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James DuBois
  • Columbus, OH
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Kris Krohn - Is This Mentor Full of it or Legit?

James DuBois
  • Columbus, OH
Posted Jan 4 2018, 10:58

Is Kris Krohn  legit or another guru just scamming people out of their money, giving them false hope? Haven't found many reviews. 

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Charlotte Dunford
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  • Johns Creek, GA
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Charlotte Dunford
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  • Johns Creek, GA
Replied Jan 13 2020, 07:04

Don't blindly follow anyone. The mentors are just people like you and me. Some practices they promote are suitable for you, and some are not. Use your common sense and critical thinking to eliminate the "noise" (wrong/not practical information). Truly successful entrepreneurs can think for themselves, and believe in things "gurus" are against. Only dead fish go with the flow.

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Replied Feb 23 2020, 12:47

Thank you past investor Alena Ericksen and former employee/"1099er" Tyler Robinson for sharing your experience.

One specific post jumped out at me.

Originally posted by @James Mc claren:

whatever you want to say about Kris I am going to be honest his lease options are not for newcomers. You will need 20k some solid credit and patience to get anywhere with them. But if you can get 100K and partner with Kris you will be a millionaire in 3 years and soon earn 250k a month passively. I know people that went from 0 to 100k a month in a year but they didn’t sit around crying on BP threads. Kris can change your life but only if you change it first and that means getting your *** off the couch and getting some deals.

Screen Name James Mc claren,

So after one would pay Kris any where from $10K to $25K to join the partnership program, PLUS $3 to $5 acquisition fee PER PROPERTY, PLUS the 50% equity split, you are stating someone who brings $100K in addition to what I just mentioned will in 3 short years become a millionaire and then that $100K will turn into 250 THOUSAND PER MONTH passive cash flow???



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Replied Feb 23 2020, 17:38

To partner w KK and his team, its $10k to $25K to join his partnership program (he has 3 levels) then $2K to $5K Acquisition Fee Plus the 50% equity split per property. So maybe ends up being 10% to 12.5% annual for the passive partner. (Don't forget to split the 20% to 25% K shows by 50%)

His minimum expectations are:

  1. 20% Annual Net ROI Per Property Per Year
  2. 8-12% Cash on Cash ROI Per Property Per Year
  3. Average Value of Properties $150,000.00
  4. Average Down Payment on Properties $30,000-$60,000 (range between cash flow markets and growth markets)
  5. Coordination Fee Per Property of $2,000-$5,000
  6. SWAN Account Formation of $10,000 For The First Property and $5,000 Per Property After That (Sleep Well At Night Account)
  7. Minimum Duplication of Portfolio: Double Your Portfolio Size Every 5 Years

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Ryan Rice
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Ryan Rice
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Replied Nov 2 2020, 14:43

I partnered with Kris Krohn about a year ago and I’ve had a great experience. His team has gone out of their way to answer all my questions and hold my hand through the entire process. On our first deal together, Kris flew out to Florida and hand-selected the property. He facetime-ed me, walked me through the property, and ran through the numbers with me. That first property, along with half of our other properties, rented for more than what we projected. The other half of our properties have rented at our projections. Kris is a very genuine person that loves helping others. Feel free to message me if you want to chat about my experience with Kris. I love talking about real estate.

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Tommy Daggett
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Tommy Daggett
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  • San Diego, CA
Replied Feb 3 2021, 11:26

@James DuBois I personally have watched some of his stuff, but something about him "rubs me the wrong way".

As Brandon has said in the podcast, "Anyone trying to sell you on Real Estate secrets is lying to you. There are no secrets of Real Estate."

So anything that guy is trying to sell you I beleive you could learn through hustling and taking action.

Good Luck man

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Replied May 23 2021, 15:19

Eh, I'm always a bit leery when someone charges a boatload for advice. That's just me. There are enough books, podcasts, and even local clubs where one can learn the business. If someone paid Kris and got a nice return on his/her investment, sweet!

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Replied Aug 25 2021, 09:14
Originally posted by @Caleb Heimsoth:
These questions are simple. Look at what they charge and then go from there. If it’s 1-3k and you get actual access to them and not some “student”, then maybe it’s worth it. If it’s 10k or more it’s never worth it.


Just had a phone conversation with a member of Kohn team. They charged $10K although I do not move forward without researching first. Why is $10K not worth it? Thank you for your time.

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James Wise#1 Buying & Selling Real Estate Contributor
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James Wise#1 Buying & Selling Real Estate Contributor
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Replied Sep 6 2021, 10:55
Originally posted by @Bradley Russell:

I have been watching Kris on YouTube for sometime now. Here is my assessment. 

His story

At a young age -and despite having several siblings- he felt impressed that he was going to need to take care of his parents when they were older, so he went forward with that mission in mind. He went to BYU with the intention of becoming a doctor, but did poorly in chemistry which would be required as a prerequisite for medical school. He was married and struggling to make ends meet. Krohn often sites an experience where he came home one night and his wife mentioned to him that they didn't have enough money for groceries for her and their new child. This was all amidst conversations of divorce with his wife. Realizing that he wasn't going to make it in the medical field he sought out alternative careers. 

Kris listened to the advice of someone several steps ahead of him life (who I think belonged to the same church as him). This 'mentor' suggested that he continue working his crappy day job in a call center all the while being a full time student. The reason for this advice was so he could qualify for a home loan. This is good advice for many. One day while driving he randomly saw a 'for sale' sign on a home. Again feeling inspire he went forward knowing that he needed to purchase that home, which he did. Kris tells the story about how he grabbed a clip board he had lying in his car and walked up to the door not knowing anything about purchasing a home.

The grumpy old lady selling the home gave him a tour of the place and after walking through he made an offer for a few thousand dollars below the asking price. The lady declined sternly, at which point Kris said he would purchase the home at asking price. It was convenient for him because asking price was below market value and the home had a basement apartment, which he rented out after purchasing. The renter paid for his mortgage and he was essentially able to live in the house for free. 

From there he basically went from one door to four in the space of a couple of years, mainly to due to a combination of house hacking, saving and home equity line of credits. After seeing the type of returns he was getting in real estate his father in-law decided to make him a partner and (through private money) he was able to be the owner of ~25 properties. Once he reached this point he no longer needed to work a 9-5 to provide for his family. 

He retired at 26 (one year out of college) and after a spending sometime traveling he decided that a life without fulfilling work was a life without purpose. Kris now has a strong desire to teach other people how to become financially free through win-wins in real estate. He feels like the best way to do this is with rent-to-owns. He feels emotionally attached to people who have had to hustle for a few years working a crappy job and building up credit because that is what he did. Rent-to-own is great because it mean the person selling the house can charge more and not have to pay for a property manager, plus the buyer can get a home before they have a good enough credit score and/or the money for a down payment. Win-win's are important to Krohn and he feels that an ethical business must include this type of win-win to be worth while.

Through the use of private money, and rent-to-owns, he has built a real estate empire of hundreds of single family properties and he is working to make limitless a billion dollar business.

How he makes money

Aside from the rent-to-own properties, he is constantly selling and renting. He also has a course about how to acquire private money. He is very qualified to teach this as he actually did it. He is well beyond the standard allowable conventional loan limit and uses the best means possible (private money) to continue to fund his single family real estate investments in several markets around the United States, some for cash flow and others for appreciation. 

Krohn is also a motivation speaker and often filters people towards his Limitless conference, in Utah. I watched an hour of one of his speeches from that conference last night. It definitely is more mind set than it is real estate investing tips, but it was never commercialized as such. Krohn truly is a business man and actually purchased the conference center that he speaks in. This saves him quite a bit on conference fees, and helps him generate even more passive revenue for anyone else looking to use the conference center at other times of the year. Kris is actually quite inspiring and has a few pretty cool stories, like when he saved his sister from a rip tide in the ocean. 

Kris is a part of at least one MLM, but that doesn't seem to be his main source of revenue. I have never actually heard which MLM he is a part of because he doesn't mention it nearly at all. It seems Kris cares far more about helping people have mental shifts and re-framing negative situations than he does spamming relatives on social media about why they need to be apart of his down line. From what I can see MLM's are insignificant compared to his passion with real estate and key note speaking. 

My bias opinion

Kris is awesome! Sometimes I listen to him on Youtube just so I can have a better day. I would love to work with him in anything he does because he has the highest amount of integrity and he honestly seeks to improve everyone's life that he comes in contact with. He has a work ethic and a go and do attitude. This guy is going places! Kris will raise other people up with him as he grows.

He will often invite people to pay for a course or attend a conference, but I am not opposed to this. I think he provides value to the people he teaches, not only that but from my experience I have seen that unless people have some skin in the game (paying money) they don't take the knowledge they learn seriously. 

If you are someone starting out, maybe in college or high school, Kris will be the best thing to ever happen to you. If you are someone with a few properties under your belt seeking for more real estate specific knowledge some of the books on bigger pockets might be a more economical way to obtain real estate specific knowledge. 

Regarding youtube videos, I would say Phil Pustejovsky technically has more real estate specific knowledge he is giving away for free online than Kris does. If I had to chose who to be mentored from regarding property management or house flipping I would probably pick Phil, just because he has been deeper in the trenches. 

Kris has mostly just hired other experts to deal with the day-to-day tasks so he can focus more on the high level stuff, which may be why he will have a larger net worth than Phil.

If I had to pick who I would give my money to as an investor I would pick Kris 100%. Phil is looking for people who he can mentor and split profits with whereas Kris is just investing other peoples money in a proven system. 

Kris just isn't in the market of teaching people how to contact vacant property owners by looking them up on the county records. If that is what you want than you aren't looking in the right place. He is more in the market of getting people in rough spots in life into their first home or helping them reverse engineer there goals and then helping them achieve them.

Like anyone looking for a mentor, its important for a noobie to find someone you have common interests with and has a vision that you can support. Kris would be a great mentor for me, because we have common values and interests, but he may not be a good fit for others. Long story short you have to know where you are going before you ask someone else for directions. 

Bruhhhh.......This doesn't smell like a review from an unbiased source. C'mon now lol. 

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Jason Mileshko
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Jason Mileshko
  • United States
Replied Sep 20 2021, 11:15
Originally posted by @James DuBois:

Is Kris Krohn  legit or another guru just scamming people out of their money, giving them false hope? Haven't found many reviews. 

 Many of these guys have great things to say and aren't doing anything wrong. However you must understand that if someone is putting out content like this and is operating as an influencer there is a reason, it's likely that the reason is they are making money off of it somehow, and in the case of online education they are probably making more money from teaching than from investing. Is this wrong? no, but just understand that this is what's happening and that it's easier to push theory than to actually execute a strategy in real life and make it work. 

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Replied Nov 29 2021, 17:37
Originally posted by @Alena Ericksen:

@Seth Farley Feel free to call me.  Shoot me a message and I can give you my number. 

@Sabrina Dace, be sure to separate the breakthroughs he teaches verses the real estate.  We as partners have lost money and had to pull out, so be careful with big claims of making millions and money hasn't been lost with partners. I would look for proof, not just stories because anyone can say anything.  It is always critical to do your due diligence when investing and especially if you give people your money to invest. 

 I would love to reach out to you and hear your personal experience, Please let me know if that is possible thanks!

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Replied Feb 22 2022, 18:09
@David Kitchen
@Alena Ericksen Could I speak to you about partnering with Kris?

I just got off a call with his team. This is their Real Estate Partnership Program details:

Buy and Hold strategy
$18,000 - One time Partnership Fee
$50,000 - $75,000 total capital investment per home (includes closing costs, SWAN account, any light rehab, and any unexpected issues (tenant vacancy, for example). Deals are presented to me and I can buy or pass. 

His team does all the legwork from finding a deal, vetting it, presenting it to me for approval or denial, closing on it and managaing it. Strategy is long term holds, which I like. I continue to buy homes with them and grow my portfolio. If and when I want to sell a home, I get my initial investment on that home back, and Kris and I split profits 50/50. It seems good for me being passive but as active as I want to be by asking questions and staying in the loop. 

His goal is 25% returns, but I was told they often reach around 30%. 

He seems legit even if he is an influencer marketer sales guy type. My question is, is this BS and I should stay away? Or should I do it? I don’t want to get suckered. But I also don’t want to try my hand at a property on my own and essentially take out a loan, pay $60-$80,000 of my own money as a down payment just to learn hard lessons for my next deal, and maybe get discouraged enough to never do a next deal and give up. Do you think parterning with a guy whose content I’ve consumed on instagram and youtube is to unreliable and “scammy”? What am I missing?

Quote from @David Kitchen:

To partner w KK and his team, its $10k to $25K to join his partnership program (he has 3 levels) then $2K to $5K Acquisition Fee Plus the 50% equity split per property. So maybe ends up being 10% to 12.5% annual for the passive partner. (Don't forget to split the 20% to 25% K shows by 50%)

His minimum expectations are:

  1. 20% Annual Net ROI Per Property Per Year
  2. 8-12% Cash on Cash ROI Per Property Per Year
  3. Average Value of Properties $150,000.00
  4. Average Down Payment on Properties $30,000-$60,000 (range between cash flow markets and growth markets)
  5. Coordination Fee Per Property of $2,000-$5,000
  6. SWAN Account Formation of $10,000 For The First Property and $5,000 Per Property After That (Sleep Well At Night Account)
  7. Minimum Duplication of Portfolio: Double Your Portfolio Size Every 5 Years

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Replied Mar 6 2022, 10:15

I purchased his 7-figure hustles and no refund. NO REFUND, even though he claimed there is in the intro video. There's no clear guideline for a refund. A week after signing up, I found the program doesn't work for me as there are additional fees involved, such as FB ads, leads, etc.. in only 3 hustles (Sod, house cleaning, can't remember the other one), which are not what I would expect. Once your credit card is processed,  you will need to complete all the training courses and attend his live training IN PERSON to be qualified for a refund based on our email communication. This is totally different from what he claims to be helpful for others. You will find similar complaints through BBB and few FB discussions. It's frustrating to go through the process as I found his Youtube very informative for a beginner in RE. Because of my negative experience, I would not recommend any of his programs.

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Replied Jul 26 2022, 09:01

BUYER BEWARE: Kris Krohn says they have a "Rock Solid Guarantee". Their Guarantee is for 3 days! Not 3 years, or 3 months (as Kris seemed to imply in one of his videos), or even 3 weeks. It's 3 days! Buyer Beware.  The program didn't work for me.   You'd better make good and sure you want to keep this program and make a decision in a hurry. After 3 days, very simple – no refund. Period. Where else would you ever find a 3 day Moneyback Guarantee? Anywhere? On anything? Kris Krohn, we are Very Disappointed !

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David Garcia
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David Garcia
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Replied Aug 12 2022, 17:47
Quote from @Brian Rice:

here is my reply to this about Kris Krohn, for me I don't like many of them charging money for stuff, but when I can call or Text Kris about my deals and he answers thats big to me.  If it wasn't for his training, I wouldn't have done a fix n flip and made $70,000 in 6 weeks, but I also took action, which most won't.

Check it out at

 @Brian Rice, just checked out your video. Great work sir. Question,  did you purchase any of Kris's courses? 

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Replied Aug 13 2022, 06:38
Quote from @Surinder Hothi:

Hey Brian, just saw your video, congratulations man, job well done, 

Question did u take his course or you just went out on your own

 well I bought his Lease Option Course... also Partnered with him but found that his offer was misleading so I went on my own and found other mentors. 

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Replied Aug 13 2022, 06:54
Quote from @Brian Rice:
Quote from @Surinder Hothi:

Hey Brian, just saw your video, congratulations man, job well done, 

Question did u take his course or you just went out on your own

 well I bought his Lease Option Course... also Partnered with him but found that his offer was misleading so I went on my own and found other mentors. 

Did you do his partner program where you pay a large fee, then you partner 50/50 on rental houses? If yes, What happened?

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Replied Mar 16 2023, 13:55
Quote from @Tyler Robinson:

@Account Closed

Kris’s lease option program is probably the biggest scam he offers. I’d bet over 99% of people who learn about it in his system fail at it and It costs $1000 or more to get started. Look up seller financing agreement and combine it with a purchase option agreement. Do each of those agreements with the buyers and sellers and you’ve got a “ sandwich lease option” That’s all Kris’s program teaches. Many states have laws against it and you run the liability and risk of pissing buyers and sellers off as the middle man. You have to do lots of damage control in that buisness and be a strong negotiator. There is no special magic sauce to what he is doing. Also, Kris likes taking 50% profits from his “investing partners” he hasn’t really made much of his money really doing seller financing deals from what I gather. Lease option in my opinion is just a gimmick to get your money and get you to his events. If you spend even a bit of money to get his book shipped out to you, your likely to continue opening up your wallet again and again until Kris owns half your net worth! It’s Luda-kris! See what I did there? 😂 Just trying to help y’all out!

This sounds like a disgruntled ex employee... 

I've known of Kris for about a year now, and I've watched loads of his videos, read some of his books, and purchased his $500 Lease Option program. Honestly, I've learned a ton from Kris, because the way he teaches about real estate is very accessible and appeals to me personally. Watch some of his videos yourself and see what you think. The information he gives is correct information, save for natural errors here or there that anyone would make. I am so glad I found Kris's videos before I just went out and bought any old property, without enough knowledge of what I was doing. In terms of the Lease Option program, $500 in my opinion is not too much to get the information I got from it, but sure, you can find that info elsewhere. It was just easier for me for pay the money at that point in time and have more of the information handed to me.

Look, if you follow any one person or method blindly, you're not very smart and you're asking for trouble. I have learned as much as I can from Kris, as well as from other teachers and mentors. It's all been helpful for me because I'm not a fool. In terms of "partnering with Kris," this option of Kris's never appealed to me. Kris does kinda push you a little towards doing this, but honestly I've not felt pressured. I simply told anyone from his team that I have talked to that I do not want to partner with Kris and give him my money. And now reading what others have said on this thread about their experience with partnering with Kris, I am glad I never wanted to do that. But, what kind of investor really are you if you choose that option anyway?

Kris is a great speaker, teacher, motivator, and YouTube personality. And his books that I've read (Strait Path, Have it All, Limitless) are very informative. But get information from elsewhere also! I mean come on. Do your due diligence. Diversify your sources of information, for crying out loud. Study! Then get out there and try your hand at investing, if that's what you want to do. 

Those are my current thoughts on Kris Krohn. He's an outstanding source of information for beginner investors, but I personally wouldn't give him much money. For me, no more than $500. But perhaps for others, his partnership option is worth it. I cannot speak on that.

I'd love to hear anyone's comments in agreement or disagreement with my take on Kris and what he offers.

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Replied Mar 16 2023, 14:27
Quote from @Russ Draper:

Aside from googling I haven't heard of him.  IMO you can get the same information for free from this website, maybe buy a couple RE books for $100 total investment would give the same information.

This review is interesting, I don't see a need to buy anything of his though:

 go watch him on YouTube, its been around for. awhile now. 

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Replied Mar 16 2023, 14:29
Quote from @David Garcia:
Quote from @Brian Rice:

here is my reply to this about Kris Krohn, for me I don't like many of them charging money for stuff, but when I can call or Text Kris about my deals and he answers thats big to me.  If it wasn't for his training, I wouldn't have done a fix n flip and made $70,000 in 6 weeks, but I also took action, which most won't.

Check it out at

 @Brian Rice, just checked out your video. Great work sir. Question,  did you purchase any of Kris's courses? 

Yes I got his Lease Option course, his 4 day motivation was the ticket to get me going  

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Replied May 6 2023, 02:34

Initially I heard him speak at an event. In addition to building wealth, he’s focused on mindset and breaking limiting beliefs.

Let’s just say that after heard him speak,  I read his book, then I purchased his $2k real estate course, and recently attended an event he held in Utah.

He’s legit. He will change that way you look at business. Change the way you look at yourself. And provide some great strategies and training on building wealth.

Side note, I’ve been in business for nearly 20 years, have an MBA, and still found it helpful.

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Troy Forney
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Troy Forney
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Replied May 25 2023, 16:59

Very old post I know, but had to chime in. Kris like many others has good information. He’s a little full of himself but I know from experience that can happen. For I am better off being humble. I have some moral issues with the rent to own system…. Basically from what I understand you collect a few thousand option to buy that is no refundable. Not sure Kris said this but someone else, you collect the money, and don’t worry you get to keep the property and the no refundable fee because most never buy. Maybe I’m too honest, but I just wouldn’t feel right keeping the money if they don’t buy it. Maybe that holds me back a little I’m too nice and too honest.  Nice guys finish last or at least not first, maybe? Idk

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Replied Sep 12 2023, 12:21
Quote from @Bobby Nilsen:
It’s all about what you pull from the person. You can find plenty of people willing to share information for free. I once went to a meetup, cost $10, the gentleman that spoke was a product of gurus and did well for himself. My partner and I have never spent a cent on gurus. We connected with the gentleman who spoke and using some of the things he spoke about we made a lot of money. Gurus can help but ultimately it comes down to how motivated you are. spent about a year spinning our wheels, and then it snowballed.  

Looking for someone to help me get started in real estate! Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! Have resources but dont know where to start. Have properties in mind and their perfect. Looking to build my portfolio and have rentals to insure passive income.

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Replied Dec 24 2023, 21:01

Have learned ALOT from his videos and did pay $1000 to get the lease option paperwork. Have read his books, limitless and straight path. His motivation REALLY helped me get going as a beginner, had 3 rentals when I started listening to him (found his start to be similar to what I was starting) and now have 17 homes 3 years later. I have found at this point his advice is become less and less useful and seems to push heavy for giving him large sums of money to enter into partnerships.  I have 4 homes under lease options so the $1000 I spent was worth it. I have considered partnering with him on maybe ONE home but haven't took the scary plunge, I say one and only one because I might could see it worth it to see his methods and locations of purchasing with him, I have a hard time seeing it being worth it to invest multiple deposits for only half the profit. He seems to have a smart team behind him to see that knowledge at work would be great and "possibly" worth the cost. I know it's not impossible but my mind is has had a really hard time seeing how to move out of my "backyard". From the beginning, I've been doing every step as a one-man operation. Home search to reno planning to paint to plumbing to floors to record-keeping and contract writing, self-managing (all).  Feel I have backed myself into a more than full time job and in my baby rural town feel this might be the only way to keep this profitable.   I know I'm growing home numbers, cash flow and net worth so Feel I'm moving forward but finding a real mentor to show me how to be more hands-off would be GRREEAT.   Have talked to multiple members of the Krohn team just don't feel they were set up to help with my issues in a way that utilizes my money inteligently.        So recap,  Watch Krohn for start up inspiration, read his books buy his paperwork if needed, but be very cautious and heavily consider giving half profits on your money.     End of the day, thank you Kris Krohn for making me much more intelligent with your content and books!

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Claude Diamond
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Claude Diamond
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Replied Feb 17 2024, 15:38

Lotta easy to find information about this topic from the SEC.    2 SEC Charges in 2012 and 2023.

Res Ipsa loquitur-The thing speaks for itself

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Replied Mar 5 2024, 14:02
Quote from @Claude Diamond:

Lotta easy to find information about this topic from the SEC.    2 SEC Charges in 2012 and 2023.

Res Ipsa loquitur-The thing speaks for itself

 Yeah, I wish I came across this information beforehand.

This guy is a certified SCAMMER. Beware of him, his companies and everything he puts online. I tried signing up for his 50/50 partnership that he posts on his Instagram. It costs 10k for them to complete one deal for you and to get your foot in the door. Once I was at the finish line of signing up, they switched the deal last minute so a super crappy investment. I told them I didn't want to do the consortium deal, so they offered me another one where I would need to pay a 30k USD down payment and have an EIGHT PERCENT INTEREST RATE. So I said no, obviously. Then they said that I couldn't get the 10k USD back because "the funds had already been allocated". I kept insisting on refund, and they kept gaslighting me saying I'm just "confused" about the deal... they've explained it to me like 5 times. Im not confused. I just dont want the deal. Theyre refusing to let me back out and their customer service team is a joke. Some rude ***, passive aggressive woman called Denise Adams. They also tell you that you'll get Kris's personal cell phone number.. ha. yeah right. the guy legit never responds and when you call, it goes to a pre-recorded message that sounds soooo fake - its clearly not his real number and he doesn't get back to you with any valuable information. The only time I ever heard from the number was a generic "welcome" text and then another message when I asked for a refund to contact his team. Hardly "1 on 1 support".

Beware. This partnership thing is a total scam. I can see by other reviews, Im not the only person this has happened to. This guy is pumping 10's of thousands into his content online with one of the top content producers in the game right now. I guess his strategy is to bait, switch and scam as many people as possible. If you go online, you can see countless testimonials of this guy being called a scammer/fraudster. I really wish I looked into him more before spending this kind of money. I guess I trusted him. He puts on this "hard working religious American" front, when in reality, hes just another scammer online.