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All-in-one property management software from RentRedi ($240 value)
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Real Estate Investment Calculators

Quickly and efficiently analyze a potential real estate investment for profitability
Rental Property Calculator
Determine the profitability potential of single-family, multi-family, or commercial property.
Analyze cash flow, ROI, and more.
Create printable reports perfect for showing lenders, partners, or investors (Pro Members).
BRRRR Calculator
Get accurate ROI analysis on rehab properties with detailed calculations.
Estimate cash flow and plan for unforeseen expenses.
Create printable reports perfect for showing lenders, partners, or investors (Pro Members).
Fix and Flip Calculator
Calculate your potential profit on a fix and flip property before investing.
Analyze holding costs and calculate profit over a 30-,90-, and 270-day period.
Create printable reports perfect for showing lenders, partners, or investors (Pro Members).
Real Estate Investment Calculators

The BiggerPockets Real Estate Investment Calculators are designed to help users quickly and efficiently analyze a potential real estate investment for profitability. We believe that a good investment begins with a solid plan built upon solid math.

However, that math doesn't need to be confusing, difficult, or complicated. The BiggerPockets' calculators are here to help you maximize your profit while lowering your risk whether you:

Analyzing a deal for cash flow
Analyzing fix and flip potential
Wholesaling to other investors

No matter what your real estate investing strategy might be, BiggerPockets' is here to help you enter these investments with a sound mind.