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- Crestview Hills
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- Dishman Springs
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- Dixon
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- Double Culvert
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- Duff
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- Dundee
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- Dwarf
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- Dyer
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- Echols
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- Eden Bay
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- Eighty Eight
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- Elihu
- Elimer
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- Elkfork
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- Elkin
- Elko
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- Ellen
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- Elliottville
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- Elliston
- Ellisville
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- Ellwood
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- Elna
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- Elsie
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- Erlanger
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- Esto
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- Etoile
- Etty
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- Euterpe
- Evans Ford
- Evanston
- Evarts
- Eve
- Eveleigh
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- Ever
- Everett
- Evergreen
- Eversole
- Evona
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- Ewing
- Ewington
- Exie
- Ezel
- Faber
- Fagan
- Fairbanks
- Fairdealing
- Fairfield
- Fairmont
- Fairplay
- Fairview
- Fairview Hill
- Falcon
- Falling Branch
- Fallis
- Fall Rock
- Fallsburg
- Falls of Rough
- Falmouth
- Fancy Farm
- Fannin
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- Farler
- Farley
- Farmdale
- Farmers
- Farmers Mill
- Farmersville
- Farmington
- Farraday
- Farristown
- Faubush
- Faulconer
- Faxon
- Faye
- Faywood
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- Fearsville
- Feathersburg
- Federal
- Fedscreek
- Feliciana
- Felty
- Fenton
- Fentress McMahan
- Fenwick
- Ferguson
- Ferguson Spring
- Ferndale
- Fernleaf
- Fiddle Bow
- Fidelio
- Fidelity
- Field
- Fielden
- Fies
- Figgs
- Fillmore
- Fincastle
- Finchville
- Finley
- Finley Addition
- Finney
- Firebrick
- Firmantown
- Fisher
- Fiskburg
- Fisty
- Fitch
- Fitchburg
- Five Forks
- Fivemile
- Five Points
- Fixer
- Flag Fork
- Flagg Spring
- Flaherty
- Flanagan
- Flat Fork
- Flatgap
- Flat Lick
- Flat Rock
- Flatwood
- Flatwoods
- Fleet
- Fleming-Neon
- Flemingsburg
- Flener
- Fletcher
- Flingsville
- Flint
- Flint Hill
- Flint Springs
- Flintville
- Flippin
- Floral
- Florence
- Flournoy
- Floyd
- Floydsburg
- Fogertown
- Folsom
- Folsomdale
- Fonde
- Fonthill
- Foraker
- Ford
- Fords Branch
- Fordsville
- Forest Grove
- Forest Hills
- Forest Springs
- Forestville
- Forkland
- Forkton
- Fort Campbell North
- Fort Heiman
- Fort Knox
- Fort Mitchell
- Fort Thomas
- Fort Wright
- Foster
- Fountain Run
- Fourmile
- Four Oaks
- Fourseam
- Fox
- Fox Chase
- Fox Creek
- Foxport
- Foxtown
- Fragrant
- Frakes
- Frances
- Francisville
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Franklin Cross Roads
- Franklinton
- Frazer
- Fraziertown
- Fredericktown
- Fredonia
- Fredville
- Freeburn
- Freedom
- Freemont
- Freetown
- Free Union
- Frenchburg
- Fresh Meadows
- Frew
- Friendship
- Frisby
- Fritz
- Frogtown
- Frogue
- Frost
- Frozen Creek
- Fruit Hill
- Fry
- Frymire
- Fuget
- Fulgham
- Fullers
- Fullerton
- Fulton
- Fultz
- Funston
- Furnace
- Fusonia
- Futrell
- Future City
- Gabe
- Gaffey Heights
- Gage
- Gainesville
- Gainesway
- Gaithers
- Galdia
- Gallup
- Galveston
- Gamaliel
- Gandertown
- Gano
- Gapcreek
- Gap in Knob
- Gapville
- Garden Village
- Gardner
- Gardnersville
- Garfield
- Garlin
- Garmeada
- Garner
- Garnett
- Garrard
- Garrett
- Garrettsburg
- Garrison
- Garvin Ridge
- Gascon
- Gasper
- Gates
- Gatesville
- Gatewood
- Gatliff
- Gatun
- Gausdale
- Gaybourn
- Gays Creek
- Geddes
- Gee
- Geneva
- Gentrys Mill
- Georges Creek
- Georgetown
- Germantown
- Gertrude
- Gesling
- Gest
- Gethsemane
- Ghent
- Gibbs
- Gifford
- Gilbert
- Gilbertsville
- Gilley
- Gillmore
- Gilpin
- Gilreath
- Gilstrap
- Gimlet
- Ginseng
- Girdler
- Girkin
- Gishton
- Givens
- Glade
- Glasgow
- Gleanings
- Glenarm
- Glencairn
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Glen Dean
- Glen Lily
- Glenmore
- Glensboro
- Glens Fork
- Glen Springs
- Glenview
- Glenview Hills
- Glenview Manor
- Glenville
- Glenwood
- Glo
- Globe
- Glomawr
- Goddard
- Goering
- Goforth
- Goins
- Goldbug
- Gold City
- Golden Ash
- Golden Pond
- Gollihue
- Golo
- Goochland
- Goochtown
- Goodloe
- Goodluck
- Goodnight
- Goodwater
- Goody
- Goose Creek
- Goose Rock
- Gordon
- Gordon Ford
- Gordonsville
- Goshen
- Gotts
- Grab
- Grace
- Gracey
- Gradyville
- Graefenburg
- Graham
- Graham Hill
- Grahamton
- Grahamville
- Grahn
- Grancer
- Grand Rivers
- Grandview
- Grange City
- Grangertown
- Grannie
- Grant
- Grants Lick
- Grapevine
- Grassy Creek
- Grassy Lick
- Gratz
- Gravel Switch
- Gray
- Grayfox
- Gray Hawk
- Graymoor-Devondale
- Grays Branch
- Grayson
- Grayson Springs
- Graysville
- Greasy Creek
- Great Crossing
- Greear
- Greeley
- Green
- Greenacres
- Greenbriar
- Greenbrier
- Greencastle
- Greendale
- Green Fields Estates
- Green Grove
- Greenhaven
- Greenhill
- Greenmount
- Greensburg
- Green Spring
- Greenup
- Greenville
- Greenwood
- Gregory
- Gregoryville
- Gresham
- Grethel
- Grider
- Griderville
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grigsby
- Grove
- Grove Center
- Grundy
- Guage
- Gubser Mill
- Gudgel
- Guerrant
- Guffie
- Gullett
- Gulnare
- Gum Sulphur
- Gum Tree
- Gunlock
- Gus
- Guston
- Guthrie
- Guy
- Gypsy
- Habit
- Hackley
- Haddix
- Hadensville
- Hadley
- Hager
- Hagerhill
- Hail
- Hailwell
- Halcom
- Haldeman
- Haleys Mill
- Halfway
- Halifax
- Hall
- Hallam
- Hallie
- Halls Gap
- Halo
- Hamby
- Hamilton
- Hamim
- Hamlin
- Hammond
- Hammonville
- Hamner
- Hampton
- Handshoe
- Handyville
- Hanging Rock
- Hanly
- Hannah
- Hansbrough
- Hansford
- Hanson
- Happy
- Happy Landing
- Harbell
- Harcourt
- Hardburly
- Hardcastle
- Hardesty
- Hardin
- Harding
- Hardinsburg
- Hardin Springs
- Hardmoney
- Hardshell
- Hardwick
- Hardy
- Hardyville
- Hargett
- Hargis
- Harlan
- Harlan Crossroads
- Harlan Gas
- Harmony
- Harmony Lake Estates
- Harmony Village
- Harned
- Harold
- Harper
- Harper Crossroads
- Harper Ford
- Harreldsville
- Harris
- Harris Grove
- Harris Hill Ford
- Harrisonville
- Harrodsburg
- Hartford
- Hartley
- Harvey
- Harveyton
- Harvieland
- Haskingsville
- Hatcher
- Hatfield
- Hatton
- Hawesville
- Hawkins
- Hawthorne
- Hayes
- Haymond
- Haynesville
- Hays
- Hays Crossing
- Haysville
- Hayward
- Haywood
- Hazard
- Hazel
- Hazel Green
- Hazel Patch
- Headquarters
- Hearin
- Heater
- Heath
- Hebbardsville
- Hebron
- Hebron Estates
- Hecla
- Hector
- Hedges
- Hedgeville
- Heekin
- Heenon
- Heflin
- Hegira
- Heidelberg
- Heidrick
- Helechawa
- Helena
- Hellier
- Helm
- Helton
- Hemp Ridge
- Henderson
- Hendricks
- Hendron
- Henry Clay
- Henshaw
- Hensley
- Hensley Ford
- Hensleytown
- Herbert
- Herd
- Heritage Creek
- Hermon
- Herndon
- Herron Hill
- Hesler
- Hestand
- Hibernia
- Hickman
- Hickory
- Hickory Flat
- Hickory Grove
- Hickory Hill
- Hicksville
- Hico
- Hidalgo
- Higdon
- High Bridge
- High Falls
- Highgrove
- High Hickory
- High Knob
- Highland
- Highland Heights
- Highland Park
- Highlands
- Highland Springs
- High Plains
- High Point
- Highsplint
- Hightop
- Highview
- Highway
- Hi Hat
- Hilda
- Hillcrest
- Hillgrove
- Hills and Dales
- Hillsboro
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hilltop
- Hill Top
- Hillview
- Hilton
- Hima
- Himyar
- Hindman
- Hinesdale
- Hinkle
- Hinkleville
- Hinton
- Hinton Hills
- Hippo
- Hiram
- Hisel
- Hiseville
- Hislope
- Hitchins
- Hite
- Hites Falls
- Hitesville
- Hittville
- Hobart
- Hobbs
- Hobson
- Hode
- Hodgenville
- Hogue
- Holbrook
- Holiday Ford
- Holifield
- Holland
- Holliday
- Hollonville
- Hollow Bill
- Hollow Creek
- Hollybush
- Hollyhill
- Hollyvilla
- Holmes
- Holmes Mill
- Holt
- Holy Cross
- Homer
- Honaker
- Honey Acre
- Honeybee
- Honey Fork
- Honey Grove
- Hooker
- Hooktown
- Hooper
- Hootentown
- Hope
- Hopeful Heights
- Hopewell
- Hopkinsville
- Hopson
- Horn Back Mill
- Horntown
- Horse Branch
- Horse Cave
- Horsemill
- Horton
- Hoskinston
- Houckville
- Houston
- Houston Acres
- Howard
- Howards Mill
- Howardstown
- Howel
- Howe Valley
- Hubble
- Huddy
- Hudgins
- Hudson
- Huff
- Huffman
- Huldeville
- Humble
- Hume
- Hummel
- Hunnewell
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hunters
- Hunters Hollow
- Huntersville
- Hunter Town
- Huntsville
- Hurley
- Hurst
- Hurstbourne
- Hurstbourne Acres
- Hustonville
- Hutch
- Hutchison
- Hyattsville
- Hyden
- Hydro
- Hylton
- Iberia
- Ibex
- Ice
- Ida
- Ida May
- Idlewild
- Ilsley
- Independence
- Index
- Indian Hills
- Indian Valley
- Inez
- Ingle
- Ingleside
- Ingram
- Inroad
- Insco
- Iola
- Irad
- Irma
- Iron Hill
- Iron Mound
- Ironville
- Irvin Cobb Resort
- Irvine
- Irvington
- Irwin
- Island
- Island City
- Isom
- Isonville
- Iuka
- Ivel
- Ivor
- Ivy Grove
- Ivyton
- Jabez
- Jacks Creek
- Jackson
- Jacksonville
- Jackstown
- Jacktown
- Jacobs
- Jamboree
- Jamestown
- Jason
- Jeff
- Jeffersontown
- Jeffersonville
- Jeffrey
- Jenkins
- Jenkinsville
- Jenson
- Jeptha
- Jeremiah
- Jericho
- Jerico
- Jeriel
- Jessamine
- Jessietown
- Jetson
- Jett
- Jetts Creek
- Jewel City
- Jimtown
- Jingo
- Jinks
- Job
- Johnetta
- Johnson Crossroads
- Johnsonville
- Johns Run
- Johnsville
- Jolly
- Jonancy
- Jonesburg
- Jones Mill
- Jonestown
- Jonesville
- Joppa
- Jordan
- Josephine
- Joy
- Joyes
- Judio
- Judson
- Judy
- Jugville
- Julien
- Julip
- Jumbo
- Junction City
- Junte
- Justell
- Justice
- Justiceville
- Kaler
- Kaliopi
- Kansas
- Karlus
- Katharyn
- Kavanaugh
- Kayjay
- Keaton
- Keavy
- Keck
- Keefer
- Keene
- Kehoe
- Keith
- Kelat
- Kellacey
- Kelly
- Kellyville
- Keltner
- Kemp
- Kenawood
- Kennebec
- Kennedy
- Keno
- Kensington
- Kentenia
- Kenton
- Kentontown
- Kenton Vale
- Kenvir
- Ken Wye
- Kepler
- Kerby Knob
- Kernie
- Kerz
- Kessinger
- Kettle
- Kettle Island
- Kevil
- Kewanee
- Keysburg
- Kidder
- Kidds Crossing
- Kiddville
- Kildav
- Kimbrell
- Kimper
- Kingbee
- King Mills
- Kings Creek
- Kingsley
- Kings Mountain
- Kingston
- Kingswood
- Kinniconick
- Kino
- Kirbyton
- Kirk
- Kirkmansville
- Kirksey
- Kirksville
- Kirkville
- Kirkwood
- Kirkwood Springs
- Kirtley
- Kiserton
- Kite
- Kitts
- Klondike
- Klondyke
- Knifley
- Knightsburg
- Knob Lick
- Knottsville
- Knowlton
- Knoxville
- Kodak
- Kohler
- Kona
- Korea
- Kraft
- Kragon
- Krebs
- Krypton
- Kuttawa
- Kyrock
- Labascus
- La Center
- Lacey
- Lacie
- Lackey
- Lacon
- Laden
- LaFayette
- La Grange
- Lair
- Lake
- Lake City
- Lakeshore
- Lakeside Park
- Laketon
- Lakeview Heights
- Lakeville
- Lamasco
- Lamb
- Lambric
- Lamero
- Lamont
- Lancaster
- Lancer
- Landsaw
- Lanes Mill
- Langdon Place
- Langley
- Langnau
- Langstaff
- Lanhamtown
- Larkslane
- Larue
- Laura
- Laurel Creek
- Laurel Ford
- Lawhorn Hill
- Lawrenceburg
- Lawrenceville
- Lawson
- Lawton
- Layman
- Leafdale
- Leander
- Leatha
- Leatherwood
- Lebanon
- Lebanon Junction
- Leburn
- Leckieville
- Lecta
- Ledbetter
- Ledford
- Ledocio
- Lee
- Lee City
- Leeco
- Leesburg
- Lees Lick
- Leetown
- LeGrande
- Leighton
- Leisure
- Leitchfield
- Leitchfield Crossing
- Lemon
- Lenarue
- Lenore
- Lenox
- Lenoxburg
- Leon
- Lerose
- Lesbas
- Leslie
- Letcher
- Letitia
- Levee
- Level Green
- Levi
- Levias
- Lewisburg
- Lewis Creek
- Lewisport
- Lewistown
- Lexie
- Lexington
- Lexington Manor
- Liberty
- Liberty Road
- Lickburg
- Lick Creek
- Lick Creek Station
- Lick Fork
- Licking River
- Lickskillet
- Lida
- Liggett
- Ligon
- Lilac
- Liletown
- Lily
- Limaburg
- Limestone
- Limestone Springs
- Limeville
- Limp
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Ridge
- Lincolnshire
- Lindseyville
- Linefork
- Lines Mill
- Linton
- Linwood
- Linwood Park
- Lionilli
- Liro
- Lisletown
- Lisman
- Litsey
- Littcarr
- Little
- Little Barren
- Little Bear Creek
- Little Cypress
- Little Dixie
- Little Hickman
- Little Mount
- Little Needmore
- Little Rock
- Little Sandy
- Littleton
- Little Valley
- Littleville
- Little Zion
- Littrell
- Livermore
- Livia
- Livingston
- Lloyd
- Load
- Loam
- Lobb
- Lockport
- Lockwood
- Locust
- Locust Branch
- Locust Grove
- Locust Hill
- Lodale
- Lodiburg
- Logana
- Logansport
- Logantown
- Log Lick
- Logsdon Valley
- Logville
- Lola
- London
- Lone
- Lone Oak
- Lone Star
- Long Bottom
- Longlick
- Long Ridge
- Longton
- Long View
- Lookout
- Loretto
- Lost City
- Lost Creek
- Lost River
- Lot
- Lothair
- Lotus
- Louden
- Louellen
- Louisa
- Louisville
- Love
- Lovelaceville
- Lovely
- Loving
- Lowell
- Lower Buffalo
- Lower Gillmore
- Lower Spencer
- Lowes
- Low Gap
- Lowmansville
- Loyall
- L S Park
- Lucas
- Lucastown
- Lucky
- Lucky Fork
- Lucky Stop
- Ludlow
- Lunah
- Luner
- Lykins
- Lynch
- Lyndale
- Lyndon
- Lynn
- Lynn City
- Lynn Grove
- Lynnview
- Lynnville
- Lyons
- Lytten
- Mac
- Macedonia
- Maceo
- Mackville
- Macon
- Madisonville
- Madrid
- Magan
- Magee Springs
- Maggard
- Magnolia
- Majestic
- Major
- Malaga
- Malone
- Maloneton
- Maloney
- Mammoth Cave
- Manchester
- Mangum
- Manila
- Manitou
- Mannington
- Mannsville
- Manntown
- Manor Creek
- Manse
- Manton
- Manuel
- Maple
- Maple Grove
- Maplesville
- Marcellus
- Marcum
- Marcus
- Mariba
- Marion
- Mark
- Marksbury
- Marlow
- Marlowe
- Marrowbone
- Marshall
- Marshallville
- Marshes Siding
- Martha
- Martin
- Martins Fork
- Martinsville
- Martwick
- Mary
- Mary Alice
- Marydale
- Marydell
- Mary Helen
- Maryhill Estates
- Mashfork
- Mason
- Masonville
- Massac
- Matanzas
- Mathers Mill
- Matlock
- Matthew
- Mattingly
- Mattoon
- Mattoxtown
- Maud
- Maulden
- Maurice
- Mavity
- Maxine
- Maxwell
- May
- Mayfield
- Mayking
- Maynard
- Mayo
- Mayo Village
- Mays Lick
- Maysville
- Maytown
- Maywood
- Mazie
- McAfee
- McAndrews
- McBrayer
- McCarr
- McClure
- McCombs
- McCoy
- McCreary
- McDaniels
- McDowell
- McElroy Ford
- McGowan
- McHargue
- McHenry
- McKee
- McKees Crossroads
- McKinney
- McKinneysburg
- McNary
- McQuady
- McRoberts
- McVeigh
- McWhorter
- Meador
- Meadowbrook Farm
- Meadow Vale
- Meadowview Estates
- Meads
- Meally
- Means
- Meece
- Melber
- Melbourne
- Meldrum
- Mell
- Melrose
- Melvin
- Memphis Junction
- Mentor
- Menzie
- Mercer
- Meredith
- Meridian
- Merrimac
- Merrittstown
- Merry Oaks
- Mershons
- Meshack
- Meta
- Mexico
- Midas
- Middleburg
- Middlesboro
- Middlesborough
- Middleton
- Middletown
- Middletown Heights
- Midland
- Midway
- Mikegrady
- Milburn
- Mildred
- Milford
- Millard
- Milledgeville
- Miller
- Millersburg
- Millers Creek
- Millerstown
- Million
- Mill Pond
- Millport
- Millseat
- Mill Springs
- Millstone
- Milltown
- Millville
- Millwood
- Milner
- Milo
- Milton
- Mima
- Mina
- Minefork
- Minerva
- Mining City
- Minnie
- Minor
- Minorsville
- Mintonville
- Miracle
- Mistletoe
- Mitchell Hill
- Mitchellsburg
- Mize
- Moberly
- Mockingbird Valley
- Moct
- Modoc
- Molus
- Monford
- Monica
- Monitor
- Monkeys Eyebrow
- Monroe
- Montclair
- Monterey
- Montgomery
- Monticello
- Montpelier
- Mook
- Mooleyville
- Moon
- Moore
- Moorefield
- Moore Hill
- Moores Creek
- Mooresville
- Moorland
- Moorman
- Moranburg
- Moree
- Morehead
- Moreland
- Morgan
- Morganfield
- Morgantown
- Morning Glory
- Morning View
- Morrill
- Morris Fork
- Mortons Gap
- Mortonsville
- Moscow
- Moseleyville
- Mossy Bottom
- Motley
- Mount Aerial
- Mountain Ash
- Mountain Top
- Mountain Valley
- Mount Auburn
- Mount Beulah
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Eden
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Hermon
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Olive
- Mount Olivet
- Mount Pisgah
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Salem
- Mount Savage
- Mount Sherman
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Victor
- Mount Victory
- Mount Washington
- Mount Zion
- Mousie
- Moutardier
- Mouthcard
- Moxley
- Mozelle
- Muddy Ford
- Mud Lick
- Mulberry
- Muldraugh
- Mulfordtown
- Mullins
- Mummie
- Munfordville
- Munk
- Murl
- Murphy Ford
- Murphyfork
- Murphysville
- Murray
- Murray Hill
- Muses Mills
- Music
- Myers
- Myra
- Mystic
- Nancy
- Naomi
- Napfor
- Napier
- Naples
- Napoleon
- Narrows
- Narvel
- Nash
- Nashtown
- Natlee
- Nazareth
- Neafus
- Neatsville
- Neave
- Nebo
- Ned
- Needmore
- Nell
- Nelse
- Nelson
- Nelsonville
- Neosheo
- Nepton
- Nerinx
- Nero
- Netty
- Nevada
- Nevelsville
- Nevin
- Nevisdale
- New
- Newbern
- Newby
- New Camp
- New Castle
- New Columbus
- Newcombe
- New Concord
- New Cypress
- Newfoundland
- New Haven
- New Hope
- New Liberty
- Newman
- New Market
- Newport
- New Providence
- New Roe
- New Salem
- Newstead
- Newt
- Newtown
- New York
- New Zion
- Niagara
- Nicholasville
- Nichols
- Nicholson
- Nick
- Nickell
- Nigh
- Nihizertown
- Nina
- Nineteen
- Ninevah
- Nippa
- Noble
- Nobob
- No Creek
- Noctor
- Node
- Noland
- Nolansburg
- Nolin
- Nolin Lake Estates
- Nonesuch
- Nonnell
- Nora
- Norbourne Estates
- Norfleet
- Noris
- Normandy
- North Corbin
- Northcutt
- Northern
- Northfield
- North Irvine
- North Middletown
- Northtown
- Norton Branch
- Nortonville
- Norwood
- Nuckols
- Nugent Crossroads
- Number One
- Nunn
- Oakbrook
- Oakdale
- Oak Forest
- Oak Grove
- Oak Hill
- Oakla
- Oakland
- Oak Level
- Oakley
- Oak Ridge
- Oaks
- Oakton
- Oakville
- Oddville
- Offutt
- Ogle
- Oil Center
- Oil City
- Oil Springs
- Oilton
- Oil Valley
- Oklahoma
- Olaton
- Olcott
- Old Brownsboro Place
- Old Christianburg
- Old Cypress
- Old Flat Lick
- Oldham
- Oldham Acres
- Old Landing
- Old Olga
- Old Pine Grove
- Oldtown
- Old Volney
- Old Washington
- Olga
- Olin
- Olive
- Olive Branch
- Olive Hill
- Oliver Station
- Ollie
- Olmstead
- Olney
- Olympia
- Olympia Springs
- Omaha
- Omega
- Oneida
- Oneonta
- Ono
- Onton
- Oolite
- Ophir
- Orangeburg
- Orchard Grass Hills
- Ordinary
- Oregon
- Oriole
- Orkney
- Orlando
- Orr
- Ortiz
- Orville
- Osborn
- Oscaloosa
- Oscar
- Otia
- Ottawa
- Ottenheim
- Otter Pond
- Ottusville
- Ova
- Oven Fork
- Overda
- Ovil
- Owensboro
- Owenton
- Owingsville
- Owsley
- Oxford
- Oz
- Ozark
- Packard
- Pactolus
- Paducah
- Paint Lick
- Paintsville
- Palisades
- Palma
- Palmer
- Panama
- Panco
- Panhandle
- Panola
- Panther
- Paradise Hills
- Paragon
- Paris
- Park
- Park City
- Park Hills
- Parksville
- Parkway Village
- Parmleysville
- Parnell
- Partridge
- Pascal
- Patesville
- Pathfork
- Patrick
- Patsey
- Paw Paw
- Paxton
- Payne
- Payne Gap
- Paynes Depot
- Payneville
- Payton
- Peabody
- Peach Grove
- Peach Orchard
- Peaks Mill
- Pearl
- Pearman
- Peasticks
- Pebble
- Pebworth
- Peck Ford
- Peden Mill
- Peedee
- Peeled Oak
- Pee Vee
- Pekin
- Pellville
- Pellyton
- Pembroke
- Pence
- Pendleton
- Penick
- Penny
- Penrod
- Peonia
- Peoples
- Perkins
- Permon
- Perry Park
- Perryville
- Persimmon
- Persimmon Grove
- Peter Creek
- Petersburg
- Petersville
- Peth
- Petra
- Petri
- Petroleum
- Petros
- Pettit
- Pewee Valley
- Peytona
- Peytonsburg
- Peytons Store
- Peytontown
- Phelps
- Phil
- Phillipsburg
- Philpot
- Phyllis
- Pickett
- Pierce
- Pierce Mill
- Pig
- Pigeon
- Pigeonroost
- Pike View
- Pikeville
- Pilgrim
- Pilot
- Pilot Oak
- Pilot View
- Pinchem
- Pinckard
- Pinckneyville
- Pine Grove
- Pine Hill
- Pinehurst
- Pine Knob
- Pine Knot
- Pine Mountain
- Piner
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Springs
- Pine Top
- Pineville
- Piney
- Piney Fork
- Piney Grove
- Pink
- Pinnacle
- Pinsonfork
- Pioneer Village
- Pippa Passes
- Piqua
- Pisgah
- Piso
- Pitman
- Pitts
- Pittsburg
- Pitts Point
- Plank
- Plano
- Plantation
- Plato
- Pleasant Green Hill
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Home
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Pleasureville
- Plum
- Plummers Landing
- Plummers Mill
- Plum Springs
- Plumville
- Plutarch
- Poindexter
- Pointer
- Point Leavell
- Point Pleasant
- Polin
- Polksville
- Polkville
- Pollard
- Polly
- Polsgrove
- Pomeroyton
- Pomp
- Ponderosa
- Pondsville
- Pongo
- Ponza
- Poole
- Pope
- Poplar
- Poplar Flat
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Highlands
- Poplar Hills
- Poplar Level
- Poplar Plains
- Poplarville
- Porter
- Portersburg
- Portland
- Port Oliver Ford
- Port Royal
- Portsmouth
- Possum Trot
- Post
- Potters Fork
- Pottertown
- Pottsville
- Poverty
- Powderly
- Powder Mill
- Powell Valley
- Powersburg
- Powersville
- Prater
- Pratt
- Preachersville
- Premier
- Prentiss
- Press
- Preston
- Prestonsburg
- Prestonville
- Prewitt
- Price
- Prices Mill
- Pricetown
- Priceville
- Prichard Place
- Pride
- Primrose
- Princess
- Princeton
- Printer
- Pritchardsville
- Privett
- Proctor
- Prospect
- Prosperity
- Protemus
- Providence
- Provo
- Pruden
- Pryorsburg
- Pryse
- Pueblo
- Pulaski
- Pulliam
- Pumpkin Center
- Puncheon
- Purdy
- Putney
- Pyramid
- Quail
- Quality
- Queendale
- Queens
- Quicksand
- Quincy
- Quinn
- Quinton
- Rabbit Hash
- Rabbit Ridge
- Rabbit Town
- Raccoon
- Raceland
- Radcliff
- Ragland
- Railton
- Rain
- Raleigh
- Raley Ford
- Ralph
- Ramey
- Ramsey Island
- Randolph
- Rankin
- Ransom
- Ratliff
- Raven
- Ravenna
- Raydure
- Raymond
- Raymond Hill
- Raywick
- Ready
- Rectorville
- Red Ash
- Redbird
- Redbud
- Redbush
- Red Cross
- Redfox
- Red Hill
- Redhouse
- Redwine
- Reed
- Reeds Crossing
- Reedville
- Reedyville
- Reidland
- Reid Village
- Relief
- Rella
- Renaker
- Renfro Valley
- Renfrow
- Renick
- Repton
- Republic
- Revelo
- Rex
- Rexton
- Rexville
- Reynoldsville
- Rhea
- Rheber
- Rhoda
- Rhodelia
- Ribbon
- Ribolt
- Ricedale
- Ricetown
- Riceville
- Richardson
- Richardsville
- Richelieu
- Richland
- Richlawn
- Richmond
- Rich Pond
- Richwood
- Riders Mill
- Ridgedale
- Ridgetop
- Ridgeway
- Rightangle
- Riley
- Rileyville
- Rineltown
- Rineyville
- Ringgold
- Rio
- Rio Vista
- Risner
- Ritchie
- Ritner
- Rivals
- River Bluff
- River Ridge
- Riverside
- Riverview
- Riverview Estates
- Riverwood
- Roachville
- Roanoke
- Roaring Spring
- Roark
- Robards
- Roberta
- Robinson
- Robinson Creek
- Rob Roy
- Rochester
- Rockbridge
- Rockcastle
- Rockcastle Shores
- Rock Creek
- Rockdale
- Rockfield
- Rock Haven
- Rockholds
- Rockhouse
- Rockland
- Rock Lick
- Rockport
- Rock Spring
- Rock Springs
- Rockvale
- Rockwood
- Rockybranch
- Rocky Hill
- Rodburn
- Rodemer
- Roff
- Rogers
- Rogers Gap
- Rogersville
- Rolan
- Rolling Fields
- Rolling Hills
- Rome
- Romine
- Rooney
- Roosevelt
- Roper
- Roscoe
- Roseburg
- Rose Crossroads
- Rosefork
- Rose Hill
- Rose Terrace
- Rosetta
- Roseville
- Rosewood
- Rosine
- Ross
- Rossington
- Rossland
- Rosslyn
- Rosspoint
- Rothwell
- Roundhill
- Roundstone
- Rousseau
- Rowena
- Rowland
- Rowletts
- Roxana
- Royal
- Royalton
- Royrader
- Royville
- Rubert Ford
- Ruckerville
- Ruddels Mills
- Rufus
- Rugless
- Rumsey
- Rural
- Rush
- Russell
- Russell Springs
- Russellville
- Ruth
- Rutherford
- Ruthton
- Rutland
- Ryan
- Ryland
- Ryland Heights
- Ryle
- Sackett
- Sacramento
- Sadieville
- Sadler
- Saint Charles
- Saint Elmo
- Saint Francis
- Saint Helens
- Saint John
- Saint Johns
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Matthews
- Saint Paul
- Saint Regis Park
- Saint Vincent
- Salem
- Salleetown
- Salmons
- Saloma
- Salt Lick
- Salt River
- Salvisa
- Salyersville
- Samaria
- Sample
- Sampson
- Samuels
- Sandclift
- Sanders
- Sandersville
- Sandgap
- Sand Hill
- Sand Springs
- Sandy
- Sandy Furnace
- Sandy Gap
- Sandy Hook
- Sanfordtown
- Sano
- Santa Fe
- Sarah
- Saratoga
- Sardis
- Sassafras
- Sasser
- Saul
- Savage
- Savage Branch
- Savoy
- Savoyard
- Sawyer
- Saxton
- Saylor
- Scale
- Scalf
- Schley
- Schochoh
- Schollsville
- Schweizer
- Science Hill
- Scottown
- Scottsburg
- Scottsville
- Scoville
- Scranton
- Scuddy
- Scuffletown
- Scythia
- Seaville
- Sebastian
- Sebastians Branch
- Sebree
- Seco
- Sedalia
- Segal
- Seitz
- Select
- Sellars
- Semiway
- Seneca Gardens
- Se Ree
- Sergent
- Settle
- Seventy Six
- Sewell
- Sewell Shop
- Sewellton
- Sextons Creek
- Seymour
- Shade
- Shady Grove
- Shafter
- Shannon
- Sharer
- Sharkey
- Sharondale
- Sharon Grove
- Sharpe
- Sharpsburg
- Sharpsville
- Shaw
- Shawhan
- Shawnee Hills
- Shearer Valley
- Shelbiana
- Shelby City
- Shelbyville
- Shelton
- Shepherdsville
- Shepherdtown
- Shepola
- Sherburne
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Sherwood Shores
- Shetland
- Shields
- Shiloh
- Shipley
- Shively
- Shopville
- Short Creek
- Short Mountain
- Short Town
- Shoulderblade
- Shreve
- Shrewsbury
- Shultztown
- Sibert
- Sidell
- Sideview
- Sideway
- Sidney
- Sidville
- Siler
- Silerville
- Siloam
- Silver City
- Silver Creek
- Silver Grove
- Silverhill
- Simers
- Simmons
- Simpson
- Simpsonville
- Simstown
- Sinai
- Sinking Fork
- Sinking Valley
- Sinks
- Sip
- Sirocco
- Sitka
- Sixth Vein
- Sizerock
- Skaggs
- Skaggstown
- Skillman
- Skinnersburg
- Skylight
- Skyline
- Slabtown
- Slade
- Slat
- Slate Lick
- Slater
- Slate Valley
- Slaughters
- Slavans
- Slemp
- Slickford
- Slick Rock
- Slickway
- Sligo
- Sloan
- Sloans Valley
- Smallhous
- Smilax
- Smile
- Smith
- Smithfield
- Smith Ford
- Smithland
- Smith Mills
- Smiths Creek
- Smiths Grove
- Smith Town
- Smithview
- Smithville
- Smoky Valley
- Snap
- Snow
- Soft Shell
- Soldier
- Solitude
- Solway
- Somerset
- Somo
- Sonora
- Sophi
- Sorgho
- Sourwood
- South
- South Buffalo
- South Campbellsville
- South Carrollton
- South Columbus
- Southdown
- Southeastern Hills
- South Fork
- Southgate
- South Higginsport
- South Highland
- South Hill
- South Irvine
- South Marshall
- South Park View
- South Portsmouth
- South Ripley
- South Shore
- South Union
- Southville
- South Wallins
- South Williamson
- Spa
- Spanglin
- Spann
- Sparksville
- Sparrow
- Sparta
- Spears
- Speck
- Speedwell
- Speight
- Spice Knob
- Spider
- Spike
- Spindletop Estates
- Spiro
- Sportsmens Paradise
- Spottsville
- Spout Springs
- Spring Creek
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Spring Grove
- Spring Hill
- Springlake
- Spring Lick
- Spring Mill
- Spring Valley
- Sprout
- Spruce Pine
- Sprule
- Spurlington
- Spurlock
- Spurrier
- Squib
- Squiresville
- Stab
- Stacy Fork
- Staffordsburg
- Staffordsville
- Stalcup
- Stamping Ground
- Standing Rock
- Stanfill
- Stanford
- Stanley
- Stanley Addition
- Stanton
- Stanville
- Stark
- Star Mills
- Stay
- St. Charles
- Stearns
- Steff
- Stella
- Stephens
- Stephensburg
- Stephensport
- Stepstone
- Steubenville
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stewartsville
- Stidham
- Stiles
- Stillwater
- Stinnett
- Stinnettsville
- Stinson
- Stites
- St. Mary
- St. Matthews
- Stone
- Stonewall
- Stoneybrook
- Stoney Fork
- Stoney Point
- Stony Point
- Stoops
- Stopover
- Stovall
- Straight Creek
- Strathmoor Manor
- Strathmoor Village
- Straw
- St. Regis Park
- Stricklett
- Stringtown
- Stroud
- Strunk
- Stubblefield
- Sturgeon
- Sturgis
- Sublett
- Sublimity City
- Sudith
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Hill
- Sugartit
- Sullivan
- Sulphur
- Sulphur Lick
- Sulphur Springs
- Summer Shade
- Summersville
- Summit
- Sumpter
- Sunfish
- Sunnybrook
- Sunnydale
- Sunnyside
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Susie
- Suterville
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Suwanee
- Swallowfield
- Swamp Branch
- Swampton
- Swan Lake
- Swanpond
- Sweeden
- Sweeneyville
- Sweet Owen
- Swifton
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Flat
- Sylvandell
- Symbol
- Symsonia
- Tabernacle
- Tablow
- Tacketts Mill
- Tacky Town
- Taffy
- Taft
- Talbert
- Tallega
- Talley
- Talmage
- Tanksley
- Tanner
- Tannery
- Tarascon
- Tar Fork
- Tar Hill
- Tateville
- Tatham Springs
- Tatumsville
- Taulbee
- Taylor Mill
- Taylorsport
- Taylorsville
- Teaberry
- Teatersville
- Tebbs
- Tedders
- Teddy
- Teetersville
- Teges
- Temperance
- Temple Hill
- Ten Broeck
- Ten Spot
- Teresita
- Terrapin
- Terrill
- Terryville
- Texas
- Texola
- Thealka
- The Bluff
- Thelma
- The Moors
- The Ridge
- The Rocks
- Thomas
- Thompsonville
- Thornhill
- Thornton
- Thoroughbred Acres
- Thousandsticks
- Three Forks
- Threelinks
- Three Point
- Three Springs
- Thruston
- Thurlow
- Tilden
- Tilford
- Tiline
- Tillie
- Tilton
- Timsley
- Tina
- Tiptop
- Titan Siding
- Todds Point
- Toddville
- Toler
- Toliver
- Tollesboro
- Tolliver Town
- Tolu
- Tomahawk
- Tom Gray Ford
- Tompkinsville
- Tonieville
- Toonerville
- Torchlight
- Toria
- Torrent
- Totz
- Touristville
- Tousey
- Tracy
- Tram
- Trammel
- Trapp
- Travellers Rest
- Tremont
- Trent
- Trenton
- Tress Shop
- Tribbey
- Tribune
- Tri City
- Trigg Furnace
- Trimble
- Trinity
- Triplett
- Trixie
- Trosper
- Trout
- Troy
- Truitt
- Tuck
- Tuckertown
- Tuggleville
- Tunnel Hill
- Tunnel Hills
- Turkey
- Turkey Creek
- Turkey Foot
- Turkeytown
- Turners Station
- Turnersville
- Turnertown
- Tutor Key
- Tuttle
- Tway
- Twentysix
- Twila
- Twin Lakes
- Tyewhoppety
- Tygarts Valley
- Tyler
- Tyner
- Typo
- Tyrone
- Ula
- Ulvah
- Ulysses
- Union
- Union City
- Union Mills
- Union Ridge
- Union Star
- Uniontown
- Uno
- Upchurch
- Upper Blue Licks
- Upper Gillmore
- Upper Spencer
- Upper Tygart
- Upton
- Urban
- Utica
- Utley Ford
- Vada
- Valeria
- Valley Hill
- Valley Oak
- Valley View
- Van
- Vanarsdell
- Van Buren
- Vanceburg
- Vancleve
- Vanderburg
- Vandetta
- Vanhook
- Van Lear
- Van Voorhis Manor
- Vanzant
- Varilla
- Varney
- Vaughns Mill
- Veachland
- Vealsburg
- Veazey
- Veech
- Veechdale
- Venters
- Vento
- Venus
- Verda
- Verne
- Vernon
- Verona
- Versailles
- Vertrees
- Vest
- Vianna
- Vicco
- Vicksburg
- Victoria
- Victoria Crossroads
- Victory
- View
- Villa Hills
- Vincent
- Vine
- Vine Grove
- Vineyard
- Vinnie
- Viola
- Viper
- Virden
- Virgie
- Virginia
- Visalia
- Volga
- Vortex
- Vox
- Wabash
- Wabd
- Waco
- Waddy
- Wadesboro
- Wagersville
- Wago
- Wait
- Waitman
- Wakefield
- Walbridge
- Walche Cut
- Walden
- Waldo
- Wales
- Walker
- Wallace
- Wallaceton
- Wallingford
- Wallins Creek
- Wallonia
- Walltown
- Walnut Flat
- Walnut Grove
- Walnut Hill
- Walsh
- Waltersville
- Walton
- Waltz
- Wanamaker
- Waneta
- Warbranch
- Warco
- War Creek
- Wards
- Ware
- Warfield
- Warnock
- Warren
- Warrenton
- Warsaw
- Wasioto
- Watauga
- Waterford
- Watergap
- Waterloo
- Water Valley
- Waterview
- Watkinsville
- Watterson Park
- Watts
- Waverly
- Wax
- Wayland
- Waynesburg
- Wayside
- Webbs
- Webbs Cross Roads
- Webbville
- Weberstown
- Webster
- Weed
- Weedonia
- Weeksbury
- Weir
- Welborn
- Welchburg
- Welchs Creek
- Welcome
- Welco Station
- Wellhope
- Wellington
- Wells
- Wellsburg
- Wells Fork
- Wendover
- Wentz
- Wesco
- Wesleyville
- Westbend
- West Brook
- West Buechel
- West Clifty
- West Fairview
- West Fork
- West Future City
- West Garrett
- West Irvine
- West Liberty
- West Louisville
- Westmoreland
- Weston
- West Paducah
- Westplains
- West Point
- Westport
- West Side Heights
- West Van Lear
- Westview
- West Viola
- West Wheatcroft
- Westwood
- Wheatcroft
- Wheatley
- Wheel
- Wheeler
- Wheelersburg
- Wheelers Mill
- Wheel Rim
- Wheelwright
- Whetstone
- Whick
- Whickerville
- Whippoorwill
- Whiskey Bay
- Whitaker
- Whitco
- White Ash
- Whitehouse
- White Mills
- White Oak
- White Plains
- White Rose
- White Run
- Whites
- Whitesburg
- White Sulphur
- Whitesville
- White Tower
- White Villa
- Whitewood
- Whitfield
- Whitley City
- Whittle
- Whoopflarea
- Wiborg
- Wickliffe
- Widecreek
- Wilbur
- Wild Cat
- Wilder
- Wildie
- Wildwood
- Wildwood Hills
- Wilhelmina
- Wilhurst
- Willailla
- Willard
- Williams
- Williamsburg
- Williams Creek
- Williamsport
- Williamstown
- Williba
- Willisburg
- Willis Creek
- Willow
- Willow Grove
- Willow Shade
- Willow Shoals
- Willowtown
- Wilmore
- Wilson
- Wilsonville
- Wilstacy
- Wilton
- Winchester
- Wind Cave
- Windsor
- Windy
- Windy Hill
- Windy Hills
- Windyville
- Winesap
- Winford
- Wingo
- Winifred
- Winslow
- Winston
- Wiscoal
- Wisdom
- Wisemantown
- Wises Landing
- Wiswell
- Withrow
- Witt
- Wittensville
- Witt Springs
- Wofford
- Wolf
- Wolf Coal
- Wolf Creek
- Wolf Lick
- Wolfpit
- Wolf River Dock
- Wolverine
- Wonder
- Wonnie
- Woodbine
- Woodburn
- Woodbury
- Woodford Village
- Woodlake
- Woodland Hills
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Park
- Woodman
- Woodrow
- Woods
- Woodsbend
- Woodside
- Woodsonville
- Woodstock
- Woodville
- Woolcott
- Wooleyville
- Woollum
- Wooton
- Worley
- Worthington
- Worthington Hills
- Worthville
- Wray Gap
- Wrights
- Wrightsburg
- Wrigley
- Wurtland
- Wyandotte
- Wyett
- Wyman
- Wyoming
- Wysox
- Yaden
- Yamacraw
- Yancey
- Yarnallton
- Yatesville
- Yeaddiss
- Yeager
- Yeaman
- Yellow Creek
- Yellow Rock
- Yelvington
- Yerkes
- Yesse
- Yocum
- Yoder
- York
- Yorktown
- Yosemite
- Younger Creek
- Youngs Creek
- Youngtown
- Yuba
- Yuma
- Zachariah
- Zag
- Zebulon
- Zekes Point
- Zelda
- Zilpo Recreation Area
- Zion
- Zion Hill
- Zion Station
- Zoe
- Zula