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Posted about 10 years ago

Real Estate Investing Tax Free on Party Island

A parable:

Dad took his little nine year old princess to her friend's birthday party. When he picked her up after the party, she looked a little hurt.

"What's wrong, hon?" he asked, concerned about his little girl.

"All the other kids got to sit at the big table with cake and ice cream," she pouted, "but they sat me on a hard chair with a baloney sandwich and a glass of milk."

Dad made his way to the door, demanding to know why his little girl was treated so shabbily.

No one would blame dad for being upset. However, many dads, and moms, and possibly you live this way every day. You see, this is exactly how our tax code is written. If you're a W-2 employee, you're sitting on a hard chair with a baloney sandwich and a glass of milk. If you're in business for yourself, you're sitting at the party table, and if you're a real estate investor, IT'S YOUR PARTY! You see, real estate investors get more breaks under the tax code than any other group.

Could that be why:

More millionaires and billionaires have been made in REAL ESTATE than in any other endeavor?

I think so.


Parable Two:

Bill heard all about the millionaires with their off-shore accounts. Wouldn't it be great if the regular guy on the street could take advantage of some of them. The Caribbean is full of them: Netherlands Antilles, Cayman Islands, Anguilla and a half dozen more. But Bill couldn't even afford air fare to these places, much less have enough money to set up an account.

Then he read about Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal. Peter has over $80 million in a tax free haven. Bill decided to get one just like Thiel's. He booked passage from his den to his living room, and now invests, tax-free, in the island he's created in his own home. Bill established a Solo or Independent 401K. He started with $0 to invest, but now has six properties in a completely tax free environment. If it's good enough for the founder of PayPal, it's good enough for Bill.

By marrying the two together, you can create your own PARTY ISLAND!

PARTY ISLAND! It's the concept of marrying REAL ESTATE and 401Ks into a wealth building TAX FREE INCOME machine!

If you want to increase your profits on real estate 30 - 50%, if you want to use your retirement plan to the fullest, learn and use the Party Island concept. Taxes are the biggest burden for the American public right now. Discover how easy it is to set that burden down.
