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- Frytown
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- Fultonham
- Funk
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- Gage
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- Galena
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- Galion
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- Gallup
- Gambier
- Gambrinus
- Ganges
- Gann
- Gano
- Garden
- Garden City
- Garden Isle
- Gardner
- Garfield
- Garfield Heights
- Garland
- Garrettsville
- Gasville
- Gates Mills
- Gath
- Gatton Rock
- Gavers
- Geeburg
- Gem
- Gem Beach
- Geneva
- Geneva-on-the-Lake
- Genoa
- Geography Hall
- Georges Run
- Georgesville
- Georgetown
- Gephart
- Gerald
- Germano
- Germantown
- Germany
- Getaway
- Gettysburg
- Geyer
- Ghent
- Gibisonville
- Gibson
- Gibsonburg
- Gieringer
- Gilbert
- Gilboa
- Gillivan
- Gilmore
- Ginger Hill
- Ginghamsburg
- Girard
- Girton
- Gist Settlement
- Givens
- Glade
- Gladstone
- Glandorf
- Glasgow
- Glass
- Glass Rock
- Glencoe
- Glendale
- Glendon
- Glen Ebon
- Glen Echo
- Glen Este
- Glenford
- Glen Jean
- Glen Karn
- Glenmont
- Glenmoor
- Glenmore
- Glen Nell
- Glen Ridge Acres
- Glen Robbins
- Glen Roy
- Glen Run
- Glen Summitt
- Glenwillow
- Gloria Glens Park
- Glouster
- Glynwood
- Gnadenhutten
- Goes
- Golda
- Goldsboro
- Golf Manor
- Golfway Acres
- Gomer
- Good Hope
- Goodland Acres
- Goodwin
- Gordon
- Gore
- Goshen
- Gould
- Gould Park
- Gracey
- Grafton
- Graham
- Grand Rapids
- Grand River
- Grandview
- Grandview Heights
- Grange Hall
- Granger
- Grant
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- Granville South
- Grape Grove
- Grassy Point
- Gratiot
- Gratis
- Grayson
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- Graytown
- Greasy Ridge
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- Great Western
- Green
- Greenbrier
- Greenbush
- Green Camp
- Greencastle
- Green Creek
- Greendale
- Greene Center
- Greenfield
- Greenfield Village
- Greenford
- Greenhills
- Greenland
- Green Meadows
- Greensburg
- Green Springs
- Greens Run
- Greentown
- Green Valley
- Greenville
- Greenwich
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Acres
- Greer
- Greggs
- Greggs Hill
- Gregory
- Grelton
- Gretna
- Griffin
- Griffith
- Grimms Bridge
- Groesbeck
- Grooms
- Grosvenor
- Grove City
- Grove City Country Club
- Groveport
- Grover Hill
- Guerne
- Guernsey
- Guilford
- Guilford Lake
- Gunnerville
- Gurneyville
- Gustavus
- Gutman
- Guysville
- Gypsum
- Hackney
- Hagan Addition
- Hageman
- Hagler
- Hales Creek
- Hallett
- Hallock
- Hallsville
- Hambden
- Hamburg
- Hamden
- Hamer
- Hamersville
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Meadows
- Hamler
- Hamlet
- Hamley Run
- Hammansburg
- Hammond Crossroad
- Hammondsville
- Hancock
- Hanersville
- Hanesville
- Hanging Rock
- Hanley Village
- Hannibal
- Hanover
- Hanoverton
- Happy Hours Addition
- Harbor Hills
- Harbor View
- Hard
- Hardin
- Hardin Station
- Hardscrabble
- Harewood Acres
- Harlem
- Harlem Springs
- Harley
- Harmon
- Harmony
- Harper
- Harpersfield
- Harpster
- Harries
- Harriett
- Harriettsville
- Harris
- Harrisburg
- Harrison
- Harrison Furnace
- Harrison Mills
- Harrisonville
- Harrisville
- Harrod
- Harshasville
- Hartford
- Hartland
- Hartland Station
- Hartleyville
- Hartsburg
- Hartsgrove
- Hartshorn
- Hartville
- Harveysburg
- Harwood
- Haskins
- Hastings
- Hatch
- Hatton
- Havana
- Haven Park
- Havens
- Havensport
- Haven View
- Haverhill
- Haviland
- Hawks
- Hayden
- Haydenville
- Hayesville
- Haynes
- Hayward
- Hazael
- Heath
- Hebardville
- Hebron
- Hecla
- Hector
- Hedges
- Hegemanns Landing
- Heidelberg Beach
- Helena
- Helmick
- Hemlock
- Hemlock Grove
- Hendrysburg
- Henley
- Hennings Mill
- Henrietta
- Hepburn
- Herefork
- Herlan
- Hermanville
- Herrick
- Heslop
- Hessville
- Hewitt
- Hibbetts
- Hickman
- Hickory Grove
- Hickoryville
- Hicks
- Hicksville
- Hidden Lakes
- Hide-A-Way Hills
- Hiett
- Higby
- Higginsport
- High Hill
- Highland
- Highland Bend
- Highland Heights
- Highland Hills
- Highland Holiday
- Highland Park
- Highland Station
- Highland Terrace
- Highlandtown
- Highpoint
- Highwater
- Hill Craft Acres
- Hillcrest
- Hill Grove
- Hilliard
- Hills
- Hills and Dales
- Hillsboro
- Hilltop
- Hinckley
- Hinton
- Hiram
- Hiram Rapids
- Hiramsburg
- Hitchcock
- Hoadley
- Hoagland
- Hoaglin
- Hobson
- Hocking
- Hockingport
- Hohman
- Holden
- Holgate
- Holiday Acres
- Holiday City
- Holiday Lakes
- Holiday Valley
- Holland
- Hollansburg
- Hollister
- Holloway
- Hollowtown
- Hollywood Estates
- Holmesville
- Holt
- Homer
- Homerville
- Homeside
- Homewood
- Homeworth
- Honesty
- Honeytown
- Hooker
- Hooksburg
- Hooven
- Hope
- Hopedale
- Hopetown
- Hopewell
- Hopkinsville
- Horatio
- Horner Hill
- Horns Mill
- Horton
- Hoskinsville
- Houcktown
- Houston
- Howard
- Howard Farms Beach
- Howenstine
- Howland Center
- Hoytville
- Hubbard
- Huber Heights
- Huber Ridge
- Hudson
- Hue
- Hughes
- Hulington
- Hull
- Hull Prairie
- Humboldt
- Hume
- Hunt
- Huntcrest Acres
- Hunter
- Hunterdon
- Huntersville
- Huntington
- Hunting Valley
- Huntsburg
- Huntsville
- Hurford
- Huron
- Hustead
- Hyatts
- Iberia
- Idaho
- Ideal
- Idlewood
- Iler
- Ilesboro
- Independence
- Indian Camp
- Indian Springs
- Indianview
- Industry
- Infant of Prague Villa
- Ingomar
- Inlet
- Ira
- Ireland
- Irondale
- Ironspot
- Ironton
- Irville
- Irvington
- Irwin
- Island View
- Isleta
- Ithaca
- Jackson
- Jacksonburg
- Jackson Center
- Jackson Heights
- Jackson Special
- Jacksontown
- Jacksonville
- Jacobsburg
- Jamestown
- Jasper
- Jasper Mills
- Jaybird
- Jeddoe
- Jefferson
- Jefferson Estates
- Jeffersonville
- Jelloway
- Jenera
- Jericho
- Jerome
- Jeromesville
- Jerry City
- Jersey
- Jerusalem
- Jessup
- Jewell
- Jewett
- Jimtown
- Jobs
- Joetown
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Johnstown
- Jones
- Jonesboro
- Jones City
- Jones Farm
- Jonestown
- Joppa
- Jordanville
- Joy
- Joyce
- Jug Run
- Jumbo
- Jump
- Junction
- Junction City
- Junior Furnace
- Justus
- Kalida
- Kanauga
- Kansas
- Kauke
- Keene
- Keith
- Kelleys Island
- Kelloggsville
- Kemp
- Kendall Heights
- Kenilworth
- Kennard
- Kennonsburg
- Kennvale
- Keno
- Kenricksville
- Kensington
- Kent
- Kenton
- Kenwood
- Kenwood Hills
- Kenwood Knolls
- Kerr
- Kessler
- Kettering
- Kettlersville
- Key
- Keystone
- Kidron
- Kidron Station
- Kieferville
- Kilbourne
- Kilgore
- Killbuck
- Kilmer
- Kilvert
- Kimball
- Kimberly
- Kimbolton
- Kincaid Springs
- Kinderhook
- Kingman
- Kingsbury
- Kingscreek
- Kings Mills
- Kings Mine
- Kingston
- Kingsville
- Kingsway
- Kinsey
- Kinsman
- Kinsman Center
- Kiousville
- Kipling
- Kipton
- Kirby
- Kirbyville
- Kirkersville
- Kirkpatrick
- Kirkwood
- Kirtland
- Kirtland Hills
- Kitchen
- Kitts Hill
- Klondike
- Knockemstiff
- Knollwood
- Knollwood Village
- Knox
- Knoxdale
- Knoxville
- Kolmont
- Kossuth
- Krumroy
- Kunkle
- Kyger
- Kyles
- Lacarne
- La Croft
- Ladd
- Lafayette
- LaFeuille Terrace
- Lafferty
- Lagrange
- LaGrange
- Laings
- Lake Buckhorn
- Lake Cable
- Lake Darby
- Lake Fork
- Lake Lakengren
- Lakeland
- Lakeland Beach
- Lakeline
- Lake Lorelei
- Lake Lucerne
- Lake Milton
- Lake Mohawk
- Lakemont Landing
- Lakemore
- Lake Seneca
- Lakeside
- Lake Slagle
- Lake Tomahawk
- Lakeview
- Lake View Heights
- Lakeville
- Lake Waynoka
- Lakewood
- Lamira
- Lancaster
- Landeck
- Landen
- Landin Park
- Landis
- Lane
- Langsville
- Lansing
- Laporte
- Lapperell
- La Rue
- Lashley
- Latcha
- Latham
- Lathrop
- Latimer
- Lattasburg
- Lattaville
- Latty
- Laura
- Laurel
- Laurelville
- Lawco
- Lawrence
- Lawrence Furnace
- Lawrenceville
- Lawshe
- Lawyerdale Estates
- Layhigh
- Layland
- Layman
- Leaper
- Leavittsburg
- Leavittsville
- Lebanon
- Lecta
- Leesburg
- Lees Creek
- Leesville
- Leetonia
- Lehmkuhl Landing
- Leipsic
- Leistville
- Leith
- Lemert
- Lemoyne
- Lena
- Lenox Center
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonardsburg
- Lerado
- Lesmil
- Le Sourdsville
- Lester
- Letart Falls
- Levanna
- Lewisburg
- Lewis Center
- Lewistown
- Lewisville
- Lexington
- Leyda
- Liberty
- Liberty Center
- Licking View
- Lickskillet
- Lightsville
- Lilly Chapel
- Lima
- Limaville
- Lime City
- Limerick
- Limestone
- Limestone City
- Lincoln Heights
- Lincoln Village
- Lincolnville
- Lindale
- Lindentree
- Lindsey
- Linndale
- Linnville
- Linton Mills
- Linworth
- Lippincott
- Lisbon
- Lisman
- Litchfield
- Lithopolis
- Little Center
- Little Chicago
- Little Hocking
- Little Mountain
- Little Richmond
- Little Sandusky
- Little Walnut
- Little Washington
- Little York
- Lloydsville
- Lock
- Lockbourne
- Lockhart
- Lockington
- Lockland
- Lock Port
- Lock Seventeen
- Lock Two
- Lockville
- Lockville Station
- Lockwood
- Locust Corner
- Locust Fork
- Locust Grove
- Locust Lake
- Locust Point
- Locust Ridge
- Lodi
- Logan
- Logan Elm Village
- Logansville
- Logtown
- Lombardsville
- London
- Londonderry
- Long
- Long Beach
- Long Bottom
- Longley
- Long Run
- Longstreth
- Loomis
- Lorain
- Lordstown
- Lore City
- Losantville Triangle
- Lottridge
- Louden
- Loudon
- Loudonville
- Louisville
- Loveland
- Loveland Park
- Lovell
- Lowell
- Lowellville
- Lower Newport
- Lower Salem
- Low Gap
- Lucas
- Lucasburg
- Lucasville
- Lucerne
- Luckey
- Ludington
- Ludlow Falls
- Luhrig
- Luke Chute
- Lumberton
- Lunda
- Luray
- Luttrell
- Lybrand
- Lykens
- Lynchburg
- Lyndhurst
- Lyndon
- Lynn
- Lynnview
- Lynx
- Lyons
- Lyra
- Lytle
- Lytton
- Macedon
- Macedonia
- Mack
- Macksburg
- Macochee Castle
- Macon
- Madeira
- Madison
- Madisonburg
- Madison Hill
- Madison Lake
- Madison Mills
- Madison-on-the-Lake
- Madison Place
- Mad River
- Magnetic Springs
- Magnolia
- Mahoning
- Maineville
- Mainsville
- Malaga
- Malinta
- Mallet Creek
- Malta
- Malvern
- Manara
- Manchester
- Mandale
- Mann
- Mansfield
- Mantua
- Mantua Center
- Maple Grove
- Maple Heights
- Maple Ridge
- Mapleton
- Maplewood
- Maplewood Park
- Marathon
- Marble Cliff
- Marble Furnace
- Marblehead
- Marcy
- Marengo
- Maria Stein
- Mariemont
- Marietta
- Marion
- Mark Center
- Marlain Acres
- Marlboro
- Marl City
- Marne
- Marquand Mills
- Marquis
- Marr
- Marseilles
- Marshall
- Marshallville
- Martel
- Martin
- Martinsburg
- Martins Ferry
- Martinsville
- Marysville
- Mason
- Massieville
- Massillon
- Masury
- Matamoras
- Matville
- Maud
- Maumee
- Maustown
- Maximo
- Maxville
- Mayfield
- Mayfield Heights
- May Hill
- Maynard
- Maysville
- McArthur
- McAvan
- McCance
- McCartyville
- McClainville
- McClimansville
- McClintocksburg
- McClure
- McComb
- McConnelsville
- McCoppin Mill
- McCuneville
- McCutchenville
- McDaniel Crossroad
- McDermott
- McDonald
- McDonaldsville
- McGaw
- McGill
- McGonigle
- McGuffey
- McIntyre
- McKay
- McKendree
- McKinley Heights
- McLeish
- McLuney
- McMorran
- McVitty
- McZena
- Meade
- Meadowbrook
- Mecca
- Mechanicsburg
- Mechanicstown
- Mechanicsville
- Medina
- Medway
- Meeker
- Meigs
- Melbern
- Melmore
- Melrose
- Melvin
- Memphis
- Mendon
- Mentor
- Mentor-on-the-Lake
- Mentzer
- Mercer
- Mercerville
- Mermill
- Merriam
- Merritt
- Merwin
- Mesopotamia
- Metamora
- Metham
- Metzger
- Mexico
- Meyers Lake
- Miami Grove
- Miami Heights
- Miamisburg
- Miamitown
- Miami Villa
- Miamiville
- Middle Bass
- Middleboro
- Middlebourne
- Middlebranch
- Middleburg
- Middleburg Heights
- Middlebury
- Middlefield
- Middle Point
- Middleport
- Middleton
- Middletown
- Midland
- Midvale
- Midway
- Mifflin
- Milan
- Miley Crossroads
- Milford
- Milford Center
- Millbrook
- Millbury
- Milledgeville
- Miller
- Miller City
- Miller Grove
- Millersburg
- Millersport
- Millerstown
- Millersville
- Millertown
- Millfield
- Mill Grove
- Milligan
- Millport
- Mill Rock
- Mills
- Millsboro
- Millville
- Millwood
- Milton Center
- Miltonsburg
- Miltonville
- Mina
- Mineral
- Mineral City
- Mineral Ridge
- Mineral Springs
- Minersville
- Minerton
- Minerva
- Minerva Park
- Minford
- Mingo
- Mingo Junction
- Minnehan Bend
- Minster
- Misco
- Mishler
- Mitchaw
- Mitiwanga
- Mizers
- Moats
- Modest
- Modoc
- Moffitt Heights
- Mogadore
- Mohawk Village
- Mohicanville
- Moline
- Monclova
- Monfort Heights
- Mononcue
- Monroe
- Monroe Center
- Monroefield
- Monroe Mills
- Monroeville
- Monterey
- Montezuma
- Montgomery
- Montgomery Heights
- Monticello
- Montpelier
- Montra
- Montrose
- Montrose-Ghent
- Montville
- Moorefield
- Moores Fork
- Mooresville
- Moraine
- Moran
- Moreland
- Moreland Hills
- Morgan Center
- Morgandale
- Morgan Place
- Morgan Run
- Morgantown
- Morganville
- Morges
- Morning Sun
- Morningview
- Morral
- Morristown
- Morrisville
- Morrow
- Moscow
- Moss Run
- Moulton
- Moultrie
- Moundsville
- Mount Air
- Mount Airy Center
- Mount Blanchard
- Mount Blanco
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Carmel Heights
- Mount Carrick
- Mount Cory
- Mount Eaton
- Mount Ephraim
- Mount Forest Trails
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Healthy
- Mount Healthy Heights
- Mount Holly
- Mount Hope
- Mount Jefferson
- Mount Joy
- Mount Liberty
- Mount Olive
- Mount Orab
- Mount Perry
- Mount Pisgah
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Repose
- Mount Saint John
- Mount Sinai
- Mount Sterling
- Mount Summit
- Mount Vernon
- Mount Victory
- Mountview
- Mountville
- Mount Zion
- Mowrystown
- Moxahala
- Mudsock
- Mulberry
- Mulberry Grove
- Muncie Hollow
- Mungen
- Munroe Falls
- Munson Hill
- Muntanna
- Murdock
- Murlin Heights
- Murray City
- Museville
- Musselman
- Muttonville
- Mutual
- Myers
- Myersville
- Nankin
- Napier
- Napoleon
- Narva
- Nasby
- Nashport
- Nashville
- Navarre
- Naylor
- Neapolis
- Nease Settlement
- Needfull
- Neel
- Neelysville
- Neffs
- Negley
- Nellie
- Nelson
- Nelsonville
- Neptune
- Nettle Lake
- Nevada
- Neville
- New Albany
- New Alexandria
- New Antioch
- Newark
- New Athens
- New Baltimore
- New Bavaria
- New Bedford
- Newbern
- New Bloomington
- New Boston
- New Bremen
- New Buffalo
- Newburgh Heights
- New Burlington
- New California
- New Carlisle
- Newcastle
- New Chicago
- New Cleveland
- Newcomerstown
- New Concord
- New Cumberland
- New Dover
- Newell
- Newell Run
- New England
- Newfain
- New Floodwood
- New Franklin
- New Garden
- New Germany
- New Guilford
- New Hagerstown
- New Hampshire
- New Harmony
- New Harrisburg
- New Harrison
- New Haven
- New Holland
- New Hope
- New Jasper
- New Jerusalem
- Newkirk
- New Knoxville
- New Lebanon
- New Lexington
- New London
- New Lyme
- New Lyme Station
- New Madison
- Newman
- Newmans
- New Mansfield
- New Market
- New Marshfield
- New Martinsburg
- New Matamoras
- New Miami
- New Middleton
- New Middletown
- New Moscow
- New Palestine
- New Paris
- New Petersburg
- New Philadelphia
- New Pittsburg
- New Pittsburgh
- New Plymouth
- Newport
- New Princeton
- New Reading
- New Richland
- New Richmond
- New Riegel
- New Rochester
- New Rome
- New Rumley
- New Salem
- New Salisbury
- New Somerset
- New Springfield
- New Stark
- New Straitsville
- New Strasburg
- Newton Falls
- Newtonsville
- Newtown
- New Vienna
- Newville
- New Washington
- New Waterford
- New Way
- New Weston
- New Westville
- New Winchester
- Ney
- Nicholsville
- Niles
- Niles Beach
- Nineveh
- Nipgen
- Norristown
- North Auburn
- North Baltimore
- North Bend
- North Benton
- North Benton Station
- North Berne
- North Bloomfield
- North Bristol
- Northbrook
- North Canton
- North College Hill
- North Condit
- North Creek
- North Eaton
- North Fairfield
- Northfield
- Northfield Center
- North Fork Village
- Northgate
- North Georgetown
- North Greenfield
- North Hampton
- North Hills Estates
- North Industry
- North Jackson
- North Kingman
- North Kingsville
- North Lawrence
- North Lewisburg
- North Liberty
- North Lima
- North Madison
- North Monroeville
- North Moreland
- North Mount Vernon
- North Olmsted
- North Perry
- North Randall
- North Richmond
- Northridge
- North Ridgeville
- North Robinson
- North Royalton
- North Sagamore Heights
- North Salem
- North Star
- North Uniontown
- Northup
- Northview
- Northville
- Northwood
- North Woodbury
- North Zanesville
- Norton
- Norwalk
- Norwich
- Norwood
- Nova
- Novelty
- Nunda
- Nutwood
- Oak
- Oakdale
- Oakfield
- Oakgrove
- Oak Harbor
- Oak Hill
- Oak Knoll
- Oakland
- Oakley Square
- Oak Park
- Oak Ridge
- Oakshade
- Oakthorpe
- Oakview
- Oakwood
- Oberlin
- Oberlin Beach
- Obetz
- Oceola
- Oco
- O'Connor Point
- Octa
- Odell
- Ogden
- Ogontz
- Ohio City
- Ohio Furnace
- Ohltown
- Okeana
- Okolona
- Olde West Chester
- Old Fort
- Old Gore
- Oldtown
- Oldtown Flats
- Old Washington
- Olena
- Olive Branch
- Olive Furnace
- Olive Green
- Olivesburg
- Olivett
- Olmsted Falls
- Olszeski Town
- Omar
- Omega
- Oneida
- Ontario
- Opperman
- Oran
- Orange
- Orangeville
- Orbiston
- Orchard Beach
- Orchard Island
- Oregon
- Oregonia
- Oreton
- Oreville
- Orient
- Orland
- Orpheus
- Orrville
- Orwell
- Osceola
- Osgood
- Ostrander
- Otsego
- Ottawa
- Ottawa Hills
- Otter
- Otterbein
- Ottokee
- Ottoville
- Otway
- Outville
- Overlook Hills
- Overpeck
- Overton
- Owens
- Owensville
- Oxford
- Ozark
- Padanaram
- Paddison Hills
- Padua
- Page Manor
- Paget
- Pagetown
- Pageville
- Painesville
- Painesville on-the-Lake
- Painter Creek
- Paintersville
- Paint Valley
- Palermo
- Palestine
- Palmyra
- Palos
- Pancoastburg
- Pandora
- Panhandle
- Pansy
- Paradise
- Paradise Hill
- Paris
- Parkertown
- Park Layne
- Parkman
- Park Ridge Acres
- Parks Mills
- Parlett
- Parma
- Parma Heights
- Parral
- Parrott
- Pasco
- Pataskala
- Patmos
- Patriot
- Patten Mills
- Patterson
- Pattersonville
- Pattonsville
- Pattytown
- Paulding
- Pavonia
- Pawnee
- Payne
- Peck
- Pedro
- Peebles
- Pekin
- Pemberton
- Pemberville
- Penfield
- Peniel
- Peninsula
- Pennsville
- Peoli
- Peoria
- Pepper Pike
- Perintown
- Perry
- Perry Addition
- Perry Center
- Perry Heights
- Perrysburg
- Perrysville
- Perryton
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Petersburgh
- Petrea
- Petroleum
- Pettisville
- Phalanx
- Pharisburg
- Pheasant Run
- Pherson
- Phillipsburg
- Philo
- Philothea
- Phoneton
- Pickerington
- Pickrelltown
- Piedmont
- Pierpont
- Pigeon Creek
- Pigeon Run
- Pigeye
- Pigtown
- Piketon
- Pikeville
- Pine Gap
- Pinegrove
- Pinehurst
- Pine Valley
- Piney Fork
- Pinhook
- Pink
- Pinkerman
- Pioneer
- Pipesville
- Piqua
- Pisgah
- Pitchin
- Pitsburg
- Pittsfield
- Placid Meadows
- Plain City
- Plainfield
- Plainview
- Plainville
- Plankton
- Planktown
- Plano
- Plants
- Plantsville
- Platform
- Plattsburg
- Plattsville
- Pleasant Bend
- Pleasant City
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Heights
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant Home
- Pleasanton
- Pleasant Plain
- Pleasant Run
- Pleasant Run Farm
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Pleasantville
- Plumwood
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Center
- Poast Town
- Poast Town Heights
- Poe
- Point Isabel
- Point Pleasant
- Point Rock
- Pointview
- Poland
- Poland Center
- Polk
- Polkadotte
- Polo
- Pomeroy
- Pond Run
- Pontiac
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Ridge
- Portage
- Portage Lakes
- Port Clinton
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Portersville
- Port Homer
- Port Jefferson
- Portland
- Portsmouth
- Port Union
- Port Washington
- Port William
- Postboy
- Post Town
- Potsdam
- Pottersburg
- Pottery Addition
- Poulton
- Powell
- Powellsville
- Powers
- Powhatan Point
- Powhattan
- Pratts
- Pratts Fork
- Prattsville
- Pravo
- Prentiss
- Preston Addition
- Pricetown
- Pride
- Primrose
- Princeton
- Pritchard
- Proctorville
- Prospect
- Provident
- Pulaski
- Pulaskiville
- Puritan
- Purity
- Put-in-Bay
- Pyrmont
- Pyro
- Quaker City
- Qualey
- Queen Acres
- Queensboro
- Quincy
- Raccoon Island
- Racine
- Radcliff
- Radnor
- Ragersville
- Raiders Run
- Rainbow
- Rain Rock
- Rainsboro
- Ramsey
- Randle
- Randolph
- Range
- Ransom
- Rappsburg
- Rarden
- Ratchford
- Ratcliffburg
- Rathbone
- Ravenna
- Rawson
- Ray
- Rayland
- Raymond
- Reading
- Redbird
- Redbush
- Red Diamond
- Redfield
- Redhaw
- Red Lion
- Redoak
- Red River
- Redtown
- Reeds
- Reedsburg
- Reeds Mill
- Reedsville
- Reedtown
- Reedurban
- Reesville
- Reform
- Regina Heights
- Rehm
- Rehoboth
- Reily
- Reinersville
- Relief
- Reminderville
- Remington
- Rendville
- Renick
- Reno
- Reno Beach
- Renrock
- Republic
- Resaca
- Revenge
- Rexford
- Reynolds
- Reynoldsburg
- Rialto
- Rice
- Riceland
- Rices Mills
- Richey
- Richfield
- Richfield Center
- Rich Hill
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richmond Center
- Richmond Dale
- Richmond Heights
- Richville
- Richwood
- Rickard Acres
- Ridgeland
- Ridgeton
- Ridgeville
- Ridgeville Corners
- Ridgeway
- Ridgewood
- Ridgewood Heights
- Riggs
- Rigrish Addition
- Rimer
- Rinard Mills
- Ringgold
- Rio Grande
- Ripley
- Risingsun
- Rittenours
- Rittman
- Riverdale
- River Edge
- Riverlea
- Riverside
- Riverside Park
- River Styx
- Riverview
- Riverview Heights
- Riviera Park
- Rix Mills
- Roachester
- Roachton
- Roads
- Roaming Shores
- Roanoake
- Roberts
- Robertsburg
- Robertsville
- Robins
- Robtown
- Robyville
- Rochester
- Rock
- Rockaway
- Rockbridge
- Rock Camp
- Rock Creek
- Rock Cut
- Rockdale
- Rockford
- Rock Haven Park
- Rock Hill
- Rock Mill
- Rock Mills
- Rockport
- Rock Springs
- Rockville
- Rock Way
- Rocky Fork Point
- Rocky Hill
- Rocky Ridge
- Rocky River
- Rodney
- Rogers
- Rokeby Lock
- Rolandus
- Rollersville
- Rolling Knolls Estate
- Rome
- Romohr Acres
- Rootstown
- Rosedale
- Rose Farm
- Rose Hill
- Roseland
- Rose Lawn
- Roselms
- Rosemont
- Rosemoor
- Rosemount
- Roseville
- Rosewood
- Ross
- Rossburg
- Rosseau
- Rossford
- Rossmoyne
- Roswell
- Round Bottom
- Roundhead
- Rousculp
- Rowenton
- Rowlesville
- Rowsburg
- Roxabell
- Roxanna
- Roxbury
- Royalton
- Royersville
- Rubyville
- Rudolph
- Ruggles
- Ruggles Beach
- Rumley
- Rupels
- Rupert
- Rural
- Ruraldale
- Rushmore
- Rush Run
- Rushsylvania
- Rushtown
- Rushville
- Russell
- Russell Center
- Russells
- Russells Point
- Russellville
- Russia
- Rutland
- Ryan
- Sabina
- Sagamore Hills
- Saint Bernard
- Saint Charles
- Saint Clairsville
- Saint Henry
- Saint James
- Saint Joe
- Saint Johns
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Louisville
- Saint Martin
- Saint Marys
- Saint Paris
- Saint Paul
- Saint Peter
- Saint Rosa
- Saint Stephens
- Salem
- Salem Center
- Salem Heights
- Salesville
- Salineville
- Saltair
- Saltillo
- Salt Run
- Samantha
- Sampleville
- Sand Beach
- Sand Fork
- Sand Hill
- Sand Run
- Sandusky
- Sandy Hill
- Sandy Springs
- Sandyville
- San Margherita
- Santa Fe
- San Toy
- Sarahsville
- Sardinia
- Sardis
- Sargents
- Saundersville
- Savageville
- Savannah
- Savona
- Sawyerwood
- Saybrook
- Saybrook-on-the-Lake
- Sayre
- Schlegels Grove
- Schley
- Schoenbrunn
- Schooley
- Schrader
- Schumm
- Science Hill
- Scio
- Scioto
- Sciotodale
- Scioto Furnace
- Scioto Village
- Scipio
- Scotch Ridge
- Scotland
- Scott
- Scottown
- Scotts Crossing
- Scroggsfield
- Scrub Ridge
- Scudder
- Seal
- Seaman
- Seamersville
- Sebastian
- Sebring
- Sedan
- Sego
- Selma
- Semples
- Senecaville
- Senior
- Sentinel
- Seven Hills
- Seven Mile
- Seville
- Seward
- Sewellsville
- Shackleton
- Shade
- Shademoore
- Shade River
- Shadeville
- Shady Bend
- Shady Glen
- Shady Grove
- Shadyside
- Shaker Heights
- Shalersville
- Shandon
- Shandon Station
- Shane
- Shannon
- Sharon
- Sharon Center
- Sharonville
- Sharpeye
- Sharpsburg
- Sharps Crossing
- Shauck
- Shawnee
- Shawnee Hills
- Shawtown
- Shay
- Sheffield
- Sheffield Center
- Sheffield Lake
- Shelby
- Shell Beach
- Shenandoah
- Shepherdstown
- Sheridan
- Sherritts
- Sherrodsville
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Village
- Shillings Mill
- Shiloh
- Shiltown
- Shinrock
- Shipp
- Shively
- Shoreland
- Shreve
- Shunk
- Shyville
- Sidney
- Signal
- Silica
- Silo
- Silver Lake
- Silver Run
- Silverton
- Simons
- Sinking Spring
- Sippo
- Sippo Heights
- Sitka
- Siverly
- Six Mile
- Six Point
- Six Points
- Sixteen Mile Stand
- Skeels Crossroads
- Skit
- Skyline Acres
- Slabtown
- Slate Mills
- Slater
- Slaters
- Slickaway
- Sligo
- Slocum
- Slocum Heights
- Slough
- Smithfield
- Smith Mill
- Smithville
- Smoketown
- Smyrna
- Snively
- Snodes
- Snowville
- Snyders Mill
- Snyderville
- Soaptown
- Socialville
- Sodom
- Solon
- Somerdale
- Somerset
- Somerton
- Somerville
- Sonora
- South Amherst
- South Bay
- South Beach
- South Bloomfield
- South Bloomingville
- South Canal
- South Charleston
- South Condit
- South Delta
- South Euclid
- South Excello
- South Hill Park
- Southington
- South Lebanon
- South Madison
- South Mount Vernon
- South Newbury
- South Olive
- South Park
- South Perry
- South Plymouth
- South Point
- South Russell
- South Salem
- South Solon
- South Vienna
- South Warsaw
- South Webster
- South Woodbury
- Southworth
- South Zanesville
- Spanker
- Spargursville
- Sparta
- Specht
- Speidel
- Spellacy
- Spencer
- Spencerville
- Spiller
- Spore
- Sprague
- Spratt
- Spreng
- Springboro
- Springbrook
- Springdale
- Springfield
- Spring Grove
- Spring Meadows
- Spring Mill
- Spring Mountain
- Springvale
- Spring Valley
- Springville
- Sprucevale
- Squires
- Squirrel Town
- Stafford
- Standardsburg
- Standley
- Stanhope
- Stanley
- Stanleyville
- Stanwood
- Starbucktown
- Starr
- State Road
- Station 15
- Staunton
- St. Bernard
- St. Clairsville
- Steamburg
- Steamtown
- Steel Point
- Steel Run
- Steinersville
- Stella
- Stelvideo
- Stemple
- Sterling
- Steuben
- Steubenville
- Stewart
- Stewartsville
- St. Henry
- Stillwater
- Stillwell
- St. Johns
- St. Louisville
- St. Martin
- St. Marys
- Stockdale
- Stockham
- Stockport
- Stone
- Stone Creek
- Stonelick
- Stoneville
- Stoney Hill
- Stony Prairie
- Stony Ridge
- Storms
- Stoudertown
- Stout
- Stoutsville
- Stovertown
- Stow
- St. Paris
- Straitsville
- Strasburg
- Stratford
- Stratton
- Streetsboro
- Stringer
- Stringtown
- Strongsville
- Stroups
- Struthers
- Stryker
- Success
- Suffield
- Sugar Bush Knolls
- Sugarcreek
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Ridge
- Sugar Tree Ridge
- Sugar Valley
- Suiter
- Sullivan
- Sulphur Grove
- Sulphur Lick
- Sulphur Springs
- Summerfield
- Summerford
- Summerside
- Summerside Estates
- Summersville
- Summit
- Summithill
- Summit Station
- Summitville
- Sumner
- Sunaire
- Sunbury
- Sundale
- Sunnyland
- Sunnyside
- Sunrise
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Harbor
- Sunset Heights
- Sunshine
- Swan Creek
- Swander
- Swanders
- Swanktown
- Swans
- Swanson
- Swanton
- Swartz Mill
- Swazey
- Swift
- Switzer
- Sybene
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Valley
- Sylvania
- Syracuse
- Tabor
- Taborville
- Tacoma
- Talawanda Springs
- Tallmadge
- Tama
- Tampico
- Tappan
- Tarlton
- Tawawa
- Taylor Creek
- Taylorsburg
- Taylors Creek
- Taylor Station
- Taylorsville
- Taylortown
- Teakwood Acres
- Tedrow
- Teegarden
- Temperanceville
- Tennyson
- Terrace Park
- Terre Haute
- Texas
- Thacher
- Thackery
- The Bend
- The Eastern
- The Highlands
- Thelma
- The Pines
- The Plains
- The Point
- The Village of Indian Hill
- Thivener
- Thompson
- Thornport
- Thornville
- Thorps
- Three Forks
- Three Locks
- Thrifton
- Thurman
- Thurston
- Tick Ridge
- Tiffin
- Tilton Crossroads
- Tiltonsville
- Timberlake
- Tinney
- Tipp City
- Tippecanoe
- Tipton
- Tiro
- Tiverton Center
- Tobasco
- Tobias
- Toboso
- Todds
- Toledo
- Tom Corwin
- Tomlison Addition
- Tontogany
- Toots Crossroads
- Top-of-the-Ridge
- Torch
- Toronto
- Townwood
- Tradersville
- Trail
- Tranquility
- Trebein
- Tremont City
- Trenton
- Triadelphia
- Trimble
- Trinway
- Triumph
- Trombley
- Tropic
- Trotwood
- Trowbridge
- Troy
- Troyton
- Truetown
- Trumbull
- Tucson
- Tulip
- Tunnel Hill
- Tuppers Plains
- Turpin Hills
- Tuscarawas
- Twenty Mile Stand
- Twightwee
- Twin Lakes
- Twinsburg
- Twinsburg Heights
- Twin Valley
- Tylersville
- Tymochtee
- Tyndall
- Tyrone
- Tyrrell
- Uhrichsville
- Union
- Union City
- Union Furnace
- Unionport
- Union Ridge
- Uniontown
- Unionvale
- Unionville
- Unionville Center
- Uniopolis
- Unity
- University Heights
- Upland Heights
- Upper Arlington
- Upper Lowell
- Upper Sandusky
- Upton
- Urbana
- Urbancrest
- Urban Hill
- Utica
- Utley
- Utopia
- Vadis
- Vales Mills
- Valley
- Valley City
- Valley City Station
- Valley Ford
- Valley Glen
- Valley Hi
- Valley View
- Valley View Heights
- Valleywood
- Vallonia
- Van
- Vanatta
- Van Buren
- Vandalia
- Vanderhoof
- Vanlue
- Van Meter
- Van Wert
- Vauces
- Vaughnsville
- Vega
- Venedocia
- Venice Heights
- Vera Cruz
- Vermilion
- Vermona
- Vernon
- Verona
- Versailles
- Vesuvius Furnace
- Veto
- Vickery
- Vicksville
- Victory Camp
- Vienna Center
- Vigo
- Viking Village
- Villa
- Villa Nova
- Vincent
- Vinton
- Volunteer Bay
- Wabash
- Wacker Heights
- Waco
- Wade
- Wadsworth
- Wagram
- Wahlsburg
- Wainwright
- Waite Hill
- Wakatomika
- Wakefield
- Wakeman
- Walbridge
- Waldo
- Walhonding
- Wallace Heights
- Wallace Mills
- Walnut Creek
- Walnut Grove
- Walser
- Walton
- Walton Hills
- Wamsley
- Wapakoneta
- Wardwood Acres
- Warner
- Warnock
- Warren
- Warrensburg
- Warrensville
- Warrensville Heights
- Warrenton
- Warrentown
- Warsaw
- Washington Court House
- Washington Hall
- Washington Mills
- Washingtonville
- Watch Farm Acres
- Watch Hill
- Waterford
- Waterloo
- Watertown
- Waterville
- Watheys
- Watkins
- Watson
- Wattsville
- Wauseon
- Waverly
- Waverly Gables
- Way
- Wayland
- Wayne
- Wayne Lakes
- Wayne Lakes Park
- Waynesburg
- Waynesfield
- Waynesville
- Webb
- Webb Summit
- Webertown
- Webster
- Wegee
- Welcome
- Wellington
- Wellman
- Wellston
- Wellsville
- Welsh
- Welshfield
- Welshtown
- Wendelin
- Wengerlawn
- Wesley
- West Alexandria
- West Andover
- Westarado
- West Austintown
- West Bass Lake
- West Bedford
- West Berlin
- Westboro
- West Canaan
- West Carlisle
- West Carrollton
- West Charleston
- Westchester
- West Clarksfield
- West Covington
- West Delta
- West Dover
- West Elkton
- Western Reserve Estates
- Western Star
- Westerville
- Westfall
- West Farmington
- Westfield
- Westfield Center
- West Florence
- West Grove
- West Hill
- Westhill Heights
- Westhope
- West Independence
- West Jackson
- West Jefferson
- West Lafayette
- Westlake
- West Lancaster
- Westland
- West Lebanon
- West Leipsic
- West Liberty
- West Lodi
- West Logan
- West Manchester
- West Mansfield
- West Mecca
- West Middletown
- West Millgrove
- West Milton
- Westminster
- West Newton
- Weston
- West Point
- West Portsmouth
- West Richfield
- West Rushville
- West Salem
- West Sonora
- West Union
- West Unity
- West View
- Westville
- West Wheeling
- West Williamsfield
- Westwood
- Wetherington
- Wetzel
- Weyers
- Weymouth
- Wharton
- Wheat Ridge
- Wheatville
- Wheelersburg
- Wheelers Mill
- Wheeling Creek
- Wherrys Crossroads
- Whigville
- Whipple
- Whipple Heights
- Whisler
- White Cottage
- White Fox
- Whitehall
- Whitehouse
- White Oak
- White Oak Meadows
- White Oak Valley
- Whites
- Whites Landing
- White Sulphur
- Whitetree
- Whiteville
- Whitfield
- Whitney
- Wick
- Wickliffe
- Widowville
- Wiggonsville
- Wightmans Grove
- Wilberforce
- Wilbren
- Wildare
- Wildbrook Acres
- Wilgus
- Wilkesville
- Wilkins
- Wilkins Run
- Wilkshire Hills
- Willard
- Willettsville
- Williamsburg
- Williams Center
- Williamsdale
- Williamsfield
- Williamsport
- Williamstown
- Williston
- Willoughby
- Willoughby Hills
- Willow Crest
- Willowdell
- Willowick
- Willowville
- Willow Wood
- Wills Creek
- Willshire
- Wilmer
- Wilmington
- Wilmot
- Wilson
- Winameg
- Winchester
- Windfall
- Windham
- Windsor
- Windsor Mills
- Winesburg
- Winfield
- Wingett Run
- Wingston
- Winklepleck Grove
- Winklers Mill
- Winona
- Winterset
- Wintersville
- Wintondale
- Winton Terrace
- Wisterman
- Withamsville
- Wittens
- Wolf
- Wolfcale
- Wolf Creek
- Wolfhurst
- Wolfpen
- Wolf Run
- Woodbourne
- Woodington
- Woodland
- Woodland Park
- Woodlawn
- Woodlyn
- Woodmere
- Woodsdale
- Woodsfield
- Woodside
- Woodstock
- Woodview Park
- Woodville
- Woodville Gardens
- Woodworth
- Wooster
- Wooster Heights
- Worstville
- Worthington
- Wortley
- Wren
- Wright-Patterson AFB
- Wrightstown
- Wrightsville
- Wrightville
- Wyandot
- Wyoming
- Wyoming Meadows
- Xenia
- Yale
- Yankeeburg
- Yankee Hills
- Yankee Lake
- Yankeetown
- Yarico
- Yatesville
- Yellowbud
- Yellow Creek
- Yellow Springs
- Yellowtown
- Yelverton
- Yoder
- Yondota
- York
- York Center
- Yorkshire
- Yorktown
- Yorkville
- Yost
- Youba
- Young Hickory
- Youngs
- Youngstown
- Youngsville
- Zaleski
- Zanesfield
- Zanesville
- Zanesville Terrace
- Zeno
- Zimmer
- Zimmerman
- Ziontown
- Zoar
- Zoarville
- Zone
- Zuck