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Isaac S.
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Bipolar Tenant...I hit the crazy lottery!

Isaac S.
Posted Oct 24 2019, 18:18
I'm posting to vent and maybe get some advice. I have a tenant that I have realized is Bipolar and has some serious mood swings and gets very negative verbally attacking me.

She has one of my more challenging units that is street level, with all the living room windows right out on to the sidewalk with no setback/yard. So, people can look into the unit if the windows or blinds are open, also, you can hear cars parking(loud stereos), random homeless people walking by talking to themselves, the dumpster being rolled out and emptied M,W,F etc. basically all the little special joys of living in dense urban environment. So, it's not like there isn't things to dislike or be frustrated with, but, very few that I can actually control or change.

also, the building occasionally has some petty theft of packages. The doors close lock properly, but occasionally people get buzzed in or follow a tenant in, despite the fact we constantly send out reminder letters about building security and best practices.

We have security cameras and are actively involved in coordinating withe police and city council members.

Still every time something happens this one tenant acts like its my fault and then leaves a bunch of messages about what horrible person I am and how badly I manage the place, etc,etc. Mind you, when she is a good mood, she is asking me to hire her as an assistant because she is interested in RE.

She always ends up apologizing later, but, it's starting to really get on my nerves. I have given her the " if you feel that way, you should move." ultimatum. She just back pedals and eventually calms down and apologizes when she is not in that mood swing.

I'm just getting annoyed at the occasional full fledged assault on my character, like I'm some kind of emotional punching bag.

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