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Why off market sellers should build commissions into deals

Wednesday, September 22

As agents we always run into issues of compensation when doing off market transactions. Sellers believe they are getting the best deal when they get a certain price for their sale. Basically they want $500k for the house. It is their expectation that the buyer will pay the commissions to their ...

Dual Tax Rate is Killing Worcester

Monday, September 20

Yesterday's T&G had an open letter from Alex Guardiola to the City Council asking them to abolish the dual tax rate and I can't agree more.  In the 30+ years i have spent in the city I see what it is doing to the long term prospects of businesses and their incentives. Here is the article: htt...

Why Buyer's Agents add value

Thursday, September 16

I am often questioned by potential clients as to why they should work with a Buyer's Agent.   Here are 3 reasons why: 1. They represent your interests.  The whole point of a buyer's agent is to advocate for the buyer.  Prior to buyer agency everyone worked for the seller.  There was the Seller's ...

Example of a low CAP RATE Property in Worcester

Friday, September 10

Case study on MLS.84 and 86 May street. 6 Units These properties are in very good condition. Basically all updated in 2017. Plenty of parking at least 11 spaces in winter and 15 in summer location is close to Big Y, CVS, Bars and restaurants1.3 miles to Worcester State3.1 miles to Assumption Co...

Reprint:Buying Multi in Worcester in the Current Environment 5.13.2019

Friday, September 10

Below is a reprint of an email I sent to investors over 2 years ago.  Sadly things have not changed much.  Other than prices continuing to go up and an increase in inventory.  Today there are 84 Multis for sale, at that time there averaged about 40 on the MLS at any point.Buying a Multi in Worces...

Worcester-Why you should buy LOW CAP RATE for your first Investment

Friday, September 10

With Mulit-Family investment I always hear all my clients looking for a 10 CAP or the 1% Rule.  They think this is the HOLY GRAIL Solid Real Estate investment is based on long term growth through appreciation of a leveraged investment. Don't get me wrong, Cash flow is great.  Cash flow gets you t...