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Worcester City Council sets tax rates for 2022- Dual Tax Rate

Thursday, December 09

On Tuesday night the Worcester City Council had their annual tax rate hearing. See Article from the T&G You can see my personal thoughts on the topic in my testimony at that City Council Meeting starting at 14:20 - 17:50 of this attached video.  Alex Guardiol...

Is the Worcester Market Falling? says it will.

Thursday, December 09

Interesting article here in Fortune Magazine. It predicts that there is a 50-75% chance that prices in Worcester will decline in the next 12 months. What does that mean to Multi-Family investing? First off let's establish that: 2 families for the most part are si...

Worcester Multi Market STATUS REPORT 12.6.2021

Monday, December 06

The multifamily market in Worcester is still HOT. Currently on the MLS there are 36 Multis for sale, This is the lowest on market number in the last 4 years. Here is the breakdown: 11 - 2 families 20 - 3 Families 2 -4 families 3- 5+ On top of that there are a couple of those that are under contra...

How does CPI miscalculate RENT, and why you should by Multi-Family NOW

Friday, November 12

Every day we are seeing articles about INFLATION and that inflation is a Self fulfilling prophecy.  That is, if we think that there will be increases in prices, then we will make buying decisions based on that, and it will drive up prices.  Pretty simple process. Inflation is based on CPI (Consu...

Will Baby Boomers sell their houses? Effects on Multifamily

Monday, November 08

A survey of of over 1500 American Homeowners aged 60-75  from American Advisors group says that 82% of survey respondents said they would prefer to live out their remaining years in their current home if they can. How does that impact the Worcester Multifamily housing market? First we would need ...

Main South Worcester Opportunity?

Monday, November 08

Sunday November 7, 2021 article by former mayor Ray Mariano Quick synopsis here.  People used to not want any part of Main South, but now they do. Projects are coming into Worcester and developing this section of the city. What is not mentioned anywhere in the a...