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Worcester Multi-family Update-- Getting Priced out? T&G article

Thursday, September 09

Is Worcester gentrifying?  I believe so. But why?  What are the factors contributing to this? 1. Development- Polar Park and the development in the immediate area are creating jobs 2. Momentum- Now that Worcester is on the map, people want in 3.Covid- If I only have to go to work a couple times a...

Why you should read BANKER AND TRADESMAN

Thursday, September 09

People often ask what they can do to make themselves a better real estate investor.  The answer is simple, gain more knowledge. One of the best periodicals in the business is Banker and Tradesman.  You can get print and online, depends on how old you are. The online version provides daily links a...

Worcester Multi Weekend Review 9.5.2021

Sunday, September 05

I did not have the chance to see as many places as last weekend but I picked up 10 between Friday and Saturday.  This puts my number of multis and investment properties seen since 2018 at 1575. Friday I saw 3 off market properties. 113 Fairmont Ave, Worcester.  3 family plus a little commercial s...

Off Market Multi-Family properties in Worcester

Sunday, September 05

All, The Worcester Multifamily market is quite complex.  On the surface it looks like there aren't that many multifamily properties for sale.   About 2 months ago we averaged 40 Multis for sale at any one time.  That number has creeped up to 67 right now.  Last week we were at 73 at one point. Th...

Buying a Multi-Family property with Tenants who don't pay enough

Tuesday, August 31

Many people think buying a multifamily is easy.  Keep in mind there are people involved.  Working on a place yesterday in Worcester.  My buyers want to buy!!!  Great news for a buyers agent correct?  Maybe not.  The rent on the 2nd floor is too low so they can't qualify for their VA loan and migh...

Worcester Multifamily Tours Weekend Summary 8/27/21-8/29/21

Monday, August 30

youtube link for videos I have been doing reviews like this for my clients for a couple years now.  For this blog I will do a combination of reviews of properties and some off market properties that have been shared with me.  The hope here is to educate people so they can find the best property f...