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Eamon Conheady
  • Investor
  • Seattle, WA
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LLC: Physical Address and Bank Account in state of filing

Eamon Conheady
  • Investor
  • Seattle, WA
Posted Oct 20 2016, 08:28

Hello, I am forming a parent LLC in WY that will hold my others. I will be obtaining a Registered Agent, obviously. But, do I need a physical address in the state? The RAs often charge quite a lot for mail forwarding. It would almost be worth it to fly out there and open a PO box. But that doesn't work for all the other needs. In that case, which would be better to put on a business card? If it is the RA, should I just bite the bullet and use their mail forwarding?

Also, is it best to open an account in the state that I form the LLC? I know that maintaining an account in a different state isn't considered "doing business" in the state with the bank account. Do you use a local or national credit union or bank?


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